Chapter thirteen

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"Wait, so not only did he keep up with your mood, but he also went his opposite way to make sure you got home safe?" Kony asks as I can see Annie grinning from the camera.
"I guess?" They're both looking at me, but I'm pretty sure Annie's planning the wedding.
"Okay, yes. He has been literally perfect so far. And he also told me I looked like Rapunzel and that his favorite movie is Tangled. Oh and he calls me blondie. You know, just like Eugene." I finish and I'm pretty sure I broke them. There's like a 10 second silence and then:
"I'm calling the wedding company." Annie says and gets up from her bed.
"Tell them we need the date for next month, at best three months from now, we don't budge." Kony says and I sigh.
"Guys, we're just friends. I don't see him like that. I shouldn't. You know I can't marry anyone. I can't do that to him. He's very good and if I do that, I'll ruin his life. It's better as friends, trust me." I say and Annie comes into view again.
"Are you kidding me?" Kony says at the same time Annie shouts.
"You are out of your mind!"
"Girls, I'm no-''
"No shut up! He is obsessed with you!" Annie huffs.
"Yeah, look at what he's done, how he behaves with you, after one week and what? Two days! He's patient and not only does he call you beautiful nicknames,"
"BEAUTIFUL!" Annie shouts in the background.
"But his favorite Disney movie, is your favorite Disney movie." Kony finishes leaving Annie to take the lead.
"And he compliments you! All the time!!" Annie shouts again.
"Okay calm down people! I don't want to talk about this anymore. If I have any updates I will tell you. Aaron's a friend, that's all."
"His name is AARON?!" They both shout this time. Dammit! I didn't want to have this conversation now.
"Yeah, it is." I sigh in defeat.
"It's like he's replacing your A-'' Annie starts, but I cut her off.
"Okay byee. I have homework. Love you all!" And before they can say anything else, I end the video call.
I fall down on the bed and breathe. In and out. Just like I've learned to. 10 times, in and out. I feel better already.
Just when I'm about to get up, my phone rings again. I pick it up ready to turn it off, thinking it's Kony and Annie again, but it's the girls video calling. I accept the call putting on my best smile.
"Hii girlss!" I say as their faces come to view.
"Heyy Kayl, what's up?" May chirps.
"Yeah girl, we have barely heard from you." Kelsey chimes in.
"Give her a minute, I'm sure she's been real busy." Serena cuts in.
"Girlss! Let her talk!" Lenna shuts them all up.
"It's okay, Len. I'm sorry I've been MIA, I've missed you guys too."
"She's making me cry already." May mumbles.
After an hour we're all caught up in each-other's lives and they know all about Aaron. To say they love him, is an understatement.
"Wow. I still can't believe you met someone so good and out of all names, his's it's Aaron." Serena states calmly.
"I know, it's so weird. It's like some sick game." Lenna replies.
"I think it's cool that his name is Aaron. It's like he replaces the other one. Not that he can replace him, but in some nice way." Kelsey remarks and I just want to end the call and sleep. I'm very exhausted and I can't deal with the ghosts of my past right now.
"I still think it's weird that his name is Aaron." May says and I sigh.
"Well, whatever it is, I'll update you guys. I need to leave now, because I'm very tired. Some time, next week?" I ask and they all nod.
After I end the call I lay back down just to rest for a bit. I'm almost asleep, when I hear my phone ringing again. I swear I can't talk about the last week one more time. I've repeated it too many times. I'm about to decline the call and put my phone on silent, when my eyes catch the Caller ID. It's Aaron.
I take a very deep breath and answer the call.
"Hey." I say in a quiet voice.
"Hi." He whispers. God, his voice is something else. "What are you up to?"
"Just finished a video call with my friends." I whisper too and realize this is the first time we've talked on the phone. We've mostly send short texts.
"Sorry, if I called you out of nowhere." He keeps whispering.
"No, it's okay. Why are we whispering though?" I ask and all remains of sleep have left me.
"Because I'm in bed and thought I'd call you, ask what you doing and it's very weird for me to talk with a normal voice, once I'm ready to sleep and all the lights are off. Even if I'm alone in the house with no one to disturb." He finishes and I smile. The fact that he thought to talk to me before he went to sleep, it's the sweetest thing I've ever experienced.
"Well I'm glad you called." I say and it's very quiet for a moment.
"Are you now?" His voice when he's whispering, is doing things to me I never thought were possible.
"Well, yeah. I like your company." I say and he chuckles a bit.
"Is that the only thing you like about me?" He asks all cocky and I already know he's smirking.
"Well no. I also like it when you swipe that smirk off your face that I'm pretty sure it's there right now." He laughs now. A deep, comforting sound. I want to bottle it up, so I can hear it every time I need to.
"Fair enough. I was being an arrogant ass." He whispers and I can hear the smile on his voice.
"Glad that we are on the same page." I say and he laughs again.
"Look who's being such a smart-ass."
"Well, I learned from the best."
"The best being me."
"Oh you think such highly of yourself Mr.Andrews." I can't stop the smile growing on my face.
"One needs to think highly of themselves in order to be proper to stand in your presence Miss Everson."
"Talking all 'Mr.Darcy' now, are we?"
"Whatever keeps me in your good graces."
"Wait, you actually know Mr.Darcy? I was waiting for you to ask me 'who is he'?"
"Of course I know him. I've read 'Pride and Prejudice' like four times now. Whoever doesn't know him, it's an ignorant. Jane Austen's a genius. It's not only about the plot, but also the language used, the complexity of the characters and their development. The way feelings and thoughts are described. It's a freaking masterpiece." He finishes and I'm. In. Awe. I stay quiet for a moment.
"Well if you wanted to be in my good graces, I should let you know, you've reached the top and gone past it." I can hear his smile.
"Glad to know that blondie. God knows imma need it."
"Why do you say that?" I ask in confusion.
"Never you mind. I should probably let you go now, you're exhausted, I can tell."
"No I'm not." I protest, but he doesn't relent.
"As much as I'm flattered love, that you want to talk to me, and believe me I really am, you need to sleep." He says and I sigh in defeat. The one time I actually want to talk, I don't get to.
"See you tomorrow blondie."
"See you Aaron."

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