Chapter twenty-two

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"Why did you choose law?" Kayla asks me, while we're on the motorcycle again. "Ryan said you haven't told a soul."
"It's true. I haven't." I say and she gets closer to hear me clearer. "Why do you wanna know?" I ask.
"I'm intrigued." She says and I smirk.
"That's a story for another time cheesecakes." I smile and she pouts. Making me crazy, wanting to kiss those lips.
It's not that late, but I never would have left her to go home alone. Even if it's 10:30pm.
"So cheesecakes, this is your address." I say and she nods. We're standing at the intercom of her building.
"Yeppp." She says and I smile. I love these little sounds she makes.
"So, ready for trial with Professor Lynne tomorrow? It's her big case." I say and she nods, smiling.
"You?" She asks.
"Yes love." And her breath gets caught. We're standing close, too close. Her back's at the door, and I'm standing tall over her. Hovering her. My left arm is near her face, placed at the door.
"You um." She clears her throat and I smirk.
"Yes?" I whisper. But she doesn't say anything, just stares at my eyes and I might be wrong, but I would have bet millions that she just blushed. It's too dark. I wanna see her face.
"Aaron." She whispers. That voice.
"What's going on, on that little mind of yours right now cheesecakes?" I ask and with my right hand I fix her hair, placing it after her ear.
"Don't have the words?" I tease. I lean closer. The tips of our noses are touching, and I don't think either of us is breathing.
I want to kiss her. I want to so badly. But not now, not yet. No when I know that later she'll regret it. I'd rather wait, than have her regret our kiss.
"Sweet dreams cheesecakes." I say and step back. She just stares at me and looks angry?
"What?" She asks and I can hear the frustration on her voice.
"You don't like people saying sweet dreams to you?" I tease on purpose.
"You, y-... ugh. You did that on purpose, didn't you?" She asks and I'm taken aback a bit, but I cover it fast. She wanted me to kiss her.
"I don't know what you're talking about love."
I wink at her and she might just kill me now.
"You're impossible. Absolutely impossible."
She says and I can barely hold my smile.
"What's wrong cheesecakes?" I ask, still teasing her, working her up.
"Oh don't you dare put those beautiful words and distract me again. Acting all fool and innocent." She says and I laugh this time.
"Good night love." I say, put my helmet on and get on the motorcycle.
"Wait, Aaron?" She asks and I look at her.
"Yes cheesecakes."
"Please text me when you get home. It's late." She says and I don't hold my smile this time. Couldn't even if I wanted to.
"I will love. I will." I say and she looks lighter, like a weight was lifted from her. "Now, go inside and into the elevator and text me the second you're in, otherwise I'm not leaving." I say and for a second I think I see her eyes getting watery, but I'm probably mistaken.
"Okay, night Aaron."
"Night love."
One month later
"I cannot believe these people." She says. "How do they lie, so easily on the stand? How?!"
"Don't they know it's perjury?!" She says with more passion now and I sigh.
"When you've killed someone, I'm pretty sure perjury is like taking a candy from a kid." I say and she huffs.
"Don't you see? It is not normal to take candies from kids."
"It's not normal for you and me, but it's very normal for someone, who's taken something bigger, more important from the kid." I say and she looks at me.
"Like what?"
"Woman, why did you take the metaphor so damn literally?" I say laughing. She just glares at me. "Well I don't know. Like their favorite toy. Or their mom."
"What? You asked!" I say and she looks at me before she starts laughing.
"You're an idiot." She says.
"I may be an idiot, but I'm your idiot." I say and she hits my arm.
"So what is the plan now? School finishes in two weeks, we still have this damn case. We both have to be home for Christmas." She lists and I stop walking making her stop to.
"Cheesecakes. There's nothing to worry about. Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna work on the case, together, today. We have all afternoon and evening. We'll finish school in two weeks and we'll book the tickets together. For the same plane and same hours. How does that sound?"
"That sounds comforting. I like having a plan." She says and looks tired. We've both had some very tiring weeks lately.
"Come on cheesecakes. We have more than a plan." I lean down and whisper on her ear. "We have each-other."
"This is useless. We will never find a loophole that will pin Landon with the murder." She says, but she's still writing and searching. Her brain has a mind of it's own, completely different from what she's saying.
"Cheesecakes?" I ask her.
"Yes." She says, but she's on her own world. Drowned in files and books.
"How would you feel if I started doing drugs?"
"That sounds great." She says.
"Okay. I'm going to leave you and find another best friend to do drugs with. How about that?"
"You should go for it." She mumbles and I sigh. Here we go.
"What?" She finally looks at me, confused.
"You just gave me free pass to do drugs." I say and she gasps. "And the worst part was, you didn't mind if I did that with my new best friend." I finish and her face has 'horror' written all over it.
"No! I didn't!" She says and I shake my head.
"You most definitely did." I get up from the chair. We were sitting at a café, working. "Now I suggest, before you lose your mind completely, to go eat somewhere, because it's almost 8:30pm and we haven't eaten a thing since 10am. What do you say?" I ask and she sighs.
"Fine. I guess I am hungry." She says and gets up from her chair. "Where are we going to eat though?"
"We're going at Fred's." I say and she looks at me confused.
"Who the hell is Fred?" She asks as we make our way out the café.
"Fred's, my love, is the only place you will ever know the real tase of pizza." I say and she looks at me skeptic.
"Better taste than Italy's?" She asks and I grin.
"Just like Italy's." She's not convinced. "I've been wanting to take you there for a long time now." I say.
"Why haven't you?" She asks.
"Would you have come?" I ask and understanding crosses her features.
"Fair point." She says and I nod. "Can we go eat  ice cream after?" I smile.
"Now in December? Sure why not?" I say and she exclaims in happiness.
"Yeah." I give her a look that says 'do you really need to ask twice?'.
"If you keep spoiling me like this, I will not be able to live without you." She says and that was music to my ears, heart, soul, you name it.
"Then cheesecakes, get used to it, because you will never have to live without me."

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