Chapter eleven

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"Although backdating option is legal, violations arise due to disclosures under IRC section 409a. You can see the section on the pages I distributed for you." My professor says and I do just that.
"Professor Lynne?" I ask and 50 pairs of eyes are looking at me, including a blue one.
"Yes Miss Everson?" She asks and I pray I'm not wrong.
"What about Sarbanes-Oxley?" I ask and she's staring at me like she's intrigued.
"What about it? The statue of limitation render Sarbanes-Oxley mood to post 2007." She says and I'm secretly freaking out.
"Well yes, but not if you can find actions to cover up the violation as established in the Sixth Circuit on...March 2008 was it?"
"May 2008." Someone says next to me. Not just someone, Aaron.
"Yes, thank you Aaron." I say and look at Professor Lynne.
"That's true. That was quite impressive Miss Everson. Good job." She says and I blush from everyone staring at me. The class resumes and I turn my head to look at Aaron, but he's already staring at me. He has this look on him, I've never seen before, like adoration. He leans in and I get a whiff of his scent. God, he smells like musk, citrus and a hint of aquatic.
"I knew you were smart, but damn blondie." He whispers leaning back, and not only do I blush, but I get butterflies. Freaking butterflies. No, no, no, no, I can't get butterflies! I need to kill them, right now. Die butterflies. Die! Guess what? They're not dying! Or leaving, for that matter. And why am I thinking about killing butterflies, I sound like a psychopath.
Why is he so damn good?
"Okay class dismissed everyone. See you on Thursday." Professor Lynne says as we pack up our bags and start heading out. I'm walking with Aaron when I hear Ms.s Lynne calling me.
"Miss Everson, a word?" She asks and looks at me, waiting for an answer. I turn to look at Aaron.
"I'll catch with you in a bit?" He nods, starting to leave, while I head for Ms.s Lynne's direction.
"With what can I assist you Ms.s Lynne?" I ask.
"I was quite amazed by your knowledge today. Many people your year, don't know that much. They never try to. And I'm certain there's more where that came from. You know much more than you let on. If you don't mind answering, may I ask why?" Breathe Kayla, it's a normal question.
"It's a very complicated answer, led by a very reasonable one." I breathe in and calm my heart rate down. "Let's just say that, when I was 15, something unfair happened to me. A very hard experience and it was accompanied by an even harder injustice. The unfairness that happened to me was not punished fairly. And believe me I know far worse things have happened to other people, unjust things. I am a Christian and I know this world will never be fair. I'm not trying to set justice in a world, where that very thing is compromised everyday. God has a plan and I stand by that. I believe everything happens for a reason. But I will do as much as I can on my part, to help other people like me. That day, I knew what I wanted to do with my life, it's like God opened a door, after He closed one. I wanted to become a judge. So I started learning more, searching for more on this field. And I realized I loved it. I love the law, I love being fair. I love trials and courtrooms. And with His help, Him guiding me, I hope one day I can become a judge, ruling by His will. I hope this answer satisfies you. It's the truth after all." And I breathed out. After what felt like hours Ms.s Lynne finally replied.
"You're very strong Miss Everson. Not everyone recovers from life's injustices. You must have a strong faith."
"I try my best. It's not my doing. It's His's."
"Humble too. Well Miss Everson, I know a success when I see one. And you are it. I'm doing a project. I need first-year interns. It's a big case, one that requires my best students. I would like you to join in. If you would also like that, let me know by Thursday. I will sent you the details today on email." Oh God. Thank You! This is the greatest opportunity ever.
"Thank you Ms.s Lynne, but no need to wait until Thursday. I would love to be your intern." I say and she smiles.
"Splendid! We'll meet every Friday. The location will be on the email I'll sent you."
"Thank you again! Good day Ms.s Lynne."
"Good day, dear." She says and I start leaving, but her voice stops me. "Oh and Miss Everson?" I turn to look at her.
"Yes Ma'am?"
"Tell that boy, Andrews is it?"
"Yes. Aaron Andrews." I say and she nods.
"Yes right. Tell him that if he would like to join too, he's more than welcomed. It didn't slip me, that he knew the date of an important information. He's bright too. You're close aren't you? You don't mind letting him know?"
"I'd be happy to, Ms.s Lynne!" I say with the biggest smile on my face.
"Aaron! You won't believe what happened!" I run down the stairs, the second I spot him. He's looking at me, smiling like an idiot. I love all his smiles, but this one's my favorite. His whole face lights up and he looks even more beautiful, if that's possible.
"Let me guess. Professor Lynne saw you for the brightest woman you are and wants you to be one of her interns for the big case she's taking." He says as I reach him.
"Wait, how did you know that?" I ask and he shooks his head.
"Everyone's talking about it. It's like a big thing going on. When she called you, I figured she would ask you about it. I'm guessing...I'm right?"
"Yes! You are right! But there's more!"
"Okay spill! Don't leave me hanging like this woman. It's torturing. What other good praises did she give you?" He seems so happy for me. Not even thinking about himself. I want to hug him.
"Not me. You! She asked me to tell you that if you want to join, you can!"
"What?! You're kidding, right?" He says and I shook my head.
"I'm freaking not! Apparently she noticed about that little date you said to help me. She knows how smart and good you are Aaron. She wants you to be one of her interns!" I exclaim and he stares at me.
"Holy cow! Kayla, this is incredible! Not only did we get this opportunity, but we'll also be doing it together! We're going to be her interns. I could freaking hug you right now." He says and I'm left breathless. It's like he can always read me, read my thoughts. And maybe it's because of that or because of the high we're both in from the news we got, that I even humor what I say next.
"Do it." I say and his smile falls. Replaced by a determined look on his face.
"What?" He says so quietly.
"Hug me." I say and he's breathing very loudly. We both are. "This is great news. You said you could hug me, so...just hug me. I mean, if you just said that, because of the moment, I get it. If you don't want to hu-'' and before I finish my sentence, he's hugging me and swirling us around. My feet have left the ground and he's spinning us, with me in his hands. One of my hands reaches his back, the other his hair.
"You're fucking amazing!" He says while he keeps swirling. His hands are both on my back keeping me up and steady. He's holding me as if I weigh nothing.
"Aaron!! Language!!" I say laughing.
"I'm sorry, but the fact that you even entertain the idea, that I wouldn't wanna hug you. You drive me mad woman." He says and puts me down. As if he didn't just knock the air out of my lungs with what he said. I'm still in his arms and I never want to leave.
"Well you didn't exactly hug me. More like swept me off my feet." I say and he smiles.
"And I intend on doing it again, but in a very different way." He can't keep saying stuff like this and expect me to be okay afterwards. I'm barely standing. I'm sure if it weren't for his arms around me, I would have fallen to the floor a long time ago.
He puts his arm over my shoulders and whispers on my ear.
"Let's go blondie." In a husky voice, teasing me with his scent. And I'm gone, melted away.

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