Chapter 9: Putting the mess behind

Start from the beginning

We stayed that way a few minutes until she finally calmed down enough to talk once again. I looked at her eyes filled with tears.

-Jill you should have said something to me, I said to her moving a piece of her hair and putting it behind her ear, I'd have locked him away from you...

-That's not what I want Steve!, she interrupted me raising her voice, He needs help Steve and I knew you'd do that. I tried to tell you, I really did but I just couldn't. I thought I could handle it by myself.

-Well you did an excellent job. You almost got yourself killed!, I said raising my voice over hers getting more than tired of her attitude, Maybe it wasn't what you wanted, but if this guy was any danger you should have told me something at least. You suddenly disappear, nobody knows where you are, where to start looking for you. What would have happened if I couldn't find you Jill? What if I wasn't able to locate you in time?, I said holding some tears in my throat. The only thought of her leaving this world was enough to make me cry.

-I'm so sorry Steve. You're right, I shouldn't have done this to you, she said dropping her head. Finally she quits the attitude.

-I'm sorry too Jill. I'm sorry I didn't realize about this situation before. I was so stressed with work that I didn't even want to think about it. And I'm sorry, but even when I know you got scared and had an awful moment just like I did, I cannot let this slide. It's just too much, I said looking at her sternly, You cannot lie to me the way you did ever again, am I clear?

-I know, she said dropping her head again, You have no idea how bad I felt by lying to you Steve. I'm really, really sorry brother, she said shooting me puppy eyes. Not good enough kiddo. Those tricks don't work with me.

-Oh really? If that's the case, then let me help you clean your conscience, I said grabbing her arm and quickly pulling her over my lap. I was through playing games.

-No, no, please Steve. I'm so sorry. I won't do this ever again, she said crying out loud, struggling against the grip I had tight around her waist.

-No, of course you won't SMACK SMACK because I'll make sure of it now Jill SMACK SMACK SMACK I cannot even explain to you SMACK how sick worried I was SMACK SMACK Suddenly Rachel calls me SMACK SMACK saying that you're missing SMACK SMACK Then you call me saying SMACK that you're in a stranger's car SMACK SMACK

-Owww It wasn't a stranger, she countered with a huge attitude.

-Really Jill? SMACK SMACK SMACK Don't you even dare SMACK to excuse yourself SMACK SMACK SMACK There's no way you can do that SMACK SMACK You need to think SMACK what could have happened SMACK SMACK if I didn't get there on time SMACK SMACK What would I do SMACK if he hurts you? SMACK SMACK And if I lose you? SMACK SMACK SMACK We were close today SMACK SMACK and I rather to spank you darn hard SMACK SMACK and you to hate me forever SMACK SMACK than letting you put yourself in risk again SMACK SMACK

-I swear Steve OWWW I'm not doing this ever again OWWwwie please forgive me!, she said reaching back to block her spanking. But this wasn't over. No way.

-Move that hand Jill, I said holding it on her lower back, This isn't over SMACK SMACK SMACK until I make sure SMACK you're not gonna do something like this SMACK SMACK SMACK EVER again SMACK SMACK SMACK Now get up and pull your pants down, I said standing her in front of me. She gave me a look, but I just frowned.

This was killing me. It was the last thing I wanted to do right then. I wanted to hug her, to kiss her entire face until she giggles, to cuddle her, not to spank her and make her cry all over again. But the only thought of her in danger again only because of her stupidity caused me a huge hole in my chest. I couldn't take the risk of her doing something so stupid again.She pulled her shorts down and laid across my knees again. I really didn't' have anything else to say to her, so the spanking was pretty quiet. I could only hear the sound of my hand against her butt cheeks and her sobbing and pleads. After a few smacks I pulled her underwear down, thing that came along with even more pleads and promises that I didn't buy just yet. I knew she was being honest, but if I didn't make a good impression on her she was never gonna think things twice before acting. She's so bullheaded all the time.

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