(JD) Winter Hero In A Cowboy Hat

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Request from bvbwestfall Tumblr It's a bad winter in Montana and John's neighbor power went out shes single pregnant mother and she calls John and thanks him for being there " darling ill be there anytime you need me " " oh no my water just broke "

Wrapping the blanket tightly around my shaking form I could see my own breath in front of my face. Of all the times for my ex to abandon me he had to pick when I am almost to the point of delivering our baby and Montana is hit with the worst winter storm we've ever seen. I don't have a fireplace in my house so I have no power. Bringing my phone up to my ear I almost dropped it to the ground calling the father of my best friend Beth. "Who is this?" His voice came through the phone as I shivered struggling to get out the words. "John...I need you...my power went out...can you come." The phone dropped to the floor when I almost couldn't feel my toes. It was an hour or probably longer before I heard someone break into my door.

Foosteps came closer to me while I buried my face into my knees hugged to my chest trying to find warmth. Someone gently cups my face in their warm hands where I blinked seeing John Dutton looking at me in the cold dark room of my house. "Y/n, I'm here. Shit you're freezing let's get you to the truck." He wrapped an arm around my waist in an attempt to get me to stand. I gasped feeling my water break in between my legs. "John ugh. My water just broke - the baby is coming." He quickly scoops me up bridal style rushing me to the truck without another word until we were almost to the hospital. "Don't worry Y/n. I'll be there always. For you I promise." He whispered intertwining his freehand with mine putting the truck in park helping me into the lobby.

A nurse got me settled in a bed where I shivered still cold even though there was heat in the room. John stared at me removing his hat and coming to stand beside me. "The nurse said it will be a few hours before you're ready to deliver according to the doctor. Do you need anything?" Squeezing my hand in his I tugged him onto the bed feeling heat coming from him. "I'm still cold John. Could you cuddle me please." He simply climbed into the bed wrapping his arms around my waist. Snuggling close into his chest I was revealed that he was here for me. To be there in the worst and best times of my life. "I've got you, Y/n." He kisses my forehead feeling my body relax in his embrace.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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