(KD) War Reunion

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War Videocall part 2. Request
Y/n and Ella get an unbelievable visit from someone they thought was gone in the middle of the night. (I felt like this song fits for this request)

"Mommy, mommy." Ella gently shakes me awake. Glancing to the clock on my table it's 1am. "Baby, what's wrong?" I yawned still not awake but alert enough to know something is wrong. She only wakes me in the night if something is really bad. "There's somebody at the front door. You said to never open the door for strangers. I can't see who it is." Tossing aside the covers I grabbed a 22 shotgun from underneath the bed whispering low enough she'll hear. "Stay right behind me understand." She nodded as we walked through the house until we reached the front door. Turning the handle with my freehand I aim the gun up into the darkness that is light with a small porch light. "Hands in the air intruder!"

The intruder raised their hands slowly turning around to face me, asking through a chuckle. "You wouldn't shoot your husband now would you?" My eyes stare into brown ones that nearly makes me drop the shotgun in my hands. Ella peaks her head around my back screaming out and jumping up into her father's arms. "Daddy!" He grunts a little at the sudden embrace adjusting her in his arms, a huge grin on his face that his daughter completely matches. Kayce stares at me with his daughter's face buried in the crook of his neck. "Kayce...I thought....you...died. I thought that....you." I stuttered when he sits our daughter down coming forward.

He leans the shotgun against the house so I don't make it go off accidentally when I released tears. We all hear stories and can only imagine what it feels like when a military vet returned home. But it's like nothing anyone can explain until you experince it right in front of you. "You're really here!" I fling my arms around his neck jumping up in his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist with his arms holding me up. "I thought you - I thought you died Kayce!" I sobbed tears into his shirt terrified if I let go he might disappear into thin air like I'm living in a nightmare. "Sssh Y/n, I'm here. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere." He breathed into my hair releasing tears himself at finally being home with his girls.

Hours later he sits on Ella's bed tucking her to which she asked hugging her horse stuffed animal he got her close to her body. "Daddy, are you going back to fight the bad guys again?" I could hear the fear in her voice that remained from months ago when we both balwwd our eyes out thinking he was dead. He brushes hair from her forehead kissing it and turning off her nightlight. "No I'm not babygirl. My fighting days are gone. I'm here to stay, goodnight." Pressing my back against the wooden wall outside her room I failed to hold tears when he came out. "How do I not know I'm going crazy and this isn't a dream Kayce?"

He slowly stepped forward resting his hands on my cheeks resting his forehead whispering. "Just tell me what to do to prove it. Tell me anything and I'll do it " Staring into those delicate eyes of his I wrap my arms around his neck, our lips inches from touching after so long apart. "Make love to me." He picks me up by my legs when he breaks the gap finally kissing me. He carries me back to our room closing the door with his foot and laying me down on the bed never breaking the kiss. Finally I broke the kiss tossing my shirt across the room along with his own, tracing my fingers up to his face. "I love you Kayce. You 100% promise your not going anywhere?" He leans down gently kissing me as we climbed under the covers once the rest of our clothes were gone. "I love you Y/n. Yes I promise. From this day until my last. I'm staying to grow old with you." He vows pulling me into his chest kissing my forehead.

Comments really appreciated :)

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