(JD) - Funeral Ceremony

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Request from freindofafreind Okay this is probably the most emotional request I have ever written

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Request from freindofafreind Okay this is probably the most emotional request I have ever written. I hope I can do it justice because it's very emotional 😢 🥺🥺

Getting out of the truck I carry my grandparents ashes up in these mountains. John agreed to come with me knowing I'd be a sobbing mess before the day is over. They had put in their will that they wanted to be spread up in the mountains where we have a family camping ground. John takes my hand in his gently squeezing it as I saw the rest of the family waiting for us. We had all decided to eat inside and have fun before we spread the ashes. My little cousins are a blast to be around especially when they showed John that they could ride the rocking chair like it was a bull in a rodeo.

Finally the time had come all sooner than I thought it would. My uncle Kevin was in charge of my grandmother's leaving me with my grandfather who was my favorite person in my life growing up. Throwing the ashes around in front of me the wind blows through my hair as tears begin to set in. Kevin sits his empty bucket down wrapping an arm around my side as I threw the last of the ashes. He takes the bucket from my hands and I cling onto him for dear life. He wrapped his arms around me sniffing out tears too. I clutched his dress shirt in my hands staining his shirt with tears knowing everyone else is probably crying too.

Our great uncle spoke about them and some fun stories. John watched from his spot trying to mingle with your family but let you all say goodbye at the same time. He watched you and your cousin Kevin who knows almost everything about you like he's your childhood best friend from school. Kevin and you placed your hands on the ashes mumbling out a goodbye before he stepped up once you walked away. Removing his hat he sighed knowing the pain of loss from spending his father's last moments out on the ranch instead of a hospital bed. "You don't have to worry about Y/n. I'll always look out for her because I love her. And I hope that we can have what you had someday." He placed his hand on the ashes saying his goodbye.

The services ended with a 27 gun salute preformed by my cousin and father to honor how my grandfather who loved the military even though he was not apart of it. John intertwined his hand with mine holding his black cowboy hat over his heart to be respectful. Once that is said and done my younger cousins Mo and Kassandire gave me big hugs happy to see me again, too young to understand what is really going on right now. My uncle Red comes up to me unwrapping a small box and I gasped seeing my grandmother's wedding ring. "Uncle Red, I..." He placed the box in my hands sniffing in tears knowing how much it meant to her. "Before she passed she said she wanted you to have it." We hugged goodbye before John hugged me wiping away some tears as I bury my face in his chest feeling their spirits already in the wind that blows around us.

Comments really appreciated :)

I hope I did a good job with this request.

✴️Yellowstone x reader one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora