(JD) Suprise Walk-in

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Request from LeeannPeters John is dating again and it's a younger reader. His kids accidentally walked in on them. This is the 80th Yellowstone request 😁😁😁

"John, are you sure no one knows we're here?" I asked as he opened the door to his house for me smiling. He closed it coming to rest his hands on my waist. "Yes all my kids are off working. We have the house to ourselves." He reassuringly said leaning down to kiss me. I slowly kissed back enjoying be in his arms. You see there are two reasons I was worried someone would see us. One is because I'm way younger than him and two I'd because his kids don't know he is dating again. He felt it was best that it was a secret since the loss of his wife Evelyn was still a sensitive subject for the whole family.

John and I met at a horse selling ouction. He was looking to buy from my family and we got to talking and actually enjoyed the others company. He was nervous to ask me out at first saying he was out of practice. With made me laugh and agree to go out with the old cowboy. John softly cups my face in his hands pressing my back against the wall feeling my arms go around his neck. The kiss deepened where we somehow ended up in his bedroom. I fall back on the bed throwing his black cowboy hat across the room while he kicked off his boots. "Have you ever done this before darlin'?" He asked hesitation in his voice.

"No...but I want to John." I slowly spoke before he leans down kissing me. The kiss gets heated again until a cry came from the hallway making us break apart. "Daddy, who the hell is she!" His daughter I recognized as Beth shouted. John lays on his side groaning as I blushed hearing more foosteps coming down the hallway. "Beth, what's wrong?" A young man u didn't know asked that wears a black cowboy hat and a brown jacket asked. Beth ran down the hall before he suddenly grabbed her. "Beth no, put the kitchen knife down!" I scoot backwards seeing she was about to come at me with a knife.

By that point John got to his feet aiming his out the door raising his hand at the pair. "Kayce, get your sister out of her now!" The man now called Kayce who looks to be his son followed his order. "I'm on it dad. Calm down sis. Give me the blade." Beth huffed pushing away from him stomping off to the kitchen. Kayce smiled tipping his hat at me. "Nice to meet you ma'am." I waved bye to him before John ran his hands down his face. "So those are your kids, huh. They seem...intense." I lightly chuckled watching him slump down on the bed beside me. "Yeah that's them...I'm sorry about Beth. She isn't exactly of me being with other women. She didn't deal with the loss of her mother well, none of them." Wrapping my arms around his neck I lay my head on his shoulder and he kisses my forehead. "I'll learn to get used to it. I won't run off on you Dutton."

Comments really appreciated :)

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