(KD) Accidental Crash

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Request from @bvbwestfall on Tumblr. The reader gets into a car accident on her way to the ranch at night and freaks Kayce out the next morning when they are moving the cattle.

Exiting the bar shrugging on my jacket I climbed in the truck driver seat as it started to rain in the night sky. Turning on the wipers I turned out if the parking lot heading towards my boyfriends home, the Yellowstone Dutton ranch. Kayce had to stay and help get ready for the cattle move in the morning that would take up most of the day, transporting them from one field to another. I'm almost at the entrance of the ranch when the rain starts hitting the windows harder. Squinting my eyes past the headlights I hope that I'll get there okay. Suddenly one of my tires swerved in a puddle causing my truck to get yanked towards a ditch near the Yellowstone entrance.

My whole body gets thrown down towards the ground thankfully I have my seatbelt on. I feel dizzy a little and I winced seeing blood dripping from my forehead. My arms around on the steering wheel and I shifted trying to grab my phone until something sticks into my thigh drawing blood. Moving my gaze down a piece of glass from the broken windshield is what landed in my thigh. Smudging blood on my screen I dial Kayce but see there's no signal right before my head falls on the steering wheel passing out.

Kayce's POV
Riding on my horse early this mother I can't help wondering about where my girlfriend is. She didn't come home last night but she's mostly crashing at Beth's room. "Kayce, you gotta see this!" Rip hollered over towards a ditch causing me to race over towards him. Yanking my horses reins it made Noises seeing a truck crashed into the ditch. Dismounting my horse I slowly climbed down into it with Rip following behind me. Looking in the window I gasped feeling my breath taken away recognizing Y/n. "Get me some to smash the glass now!" I demanded him where he grabbed the Y hot rod handing it to me where I smashed in the glass getting to open the truck door. Her heads laying on the steering wheel and blood is visible. "I'll call John. He has the helicopter." Rip quickly dials my father as I felt tears welling in my brown eyes.

"No, no, no. I can't lose you. You can't die on me baby doll." I whispered cutting her seatbelt off and catching her body that fell sideways out the vehicle. Lowering her body on the grass I searched for a pulse finding a weak one where I start CPR. Pressing my lips onto hers quickly I pressed her chest until she suddenly gasped for air. "K - Kayce..." I slowly pulled her to a sitting position rubbing her back when she layed her head into my chest appearing light headed. "John's here!" Picking her up bridal style she mumbled into my chest. "I love you..." Laying her in the helicopter kissing her forehead wiping away happy tears. "I love you too. You're gonna be okay."

Comments really appreciated :)

✴️Yellowstone x reader one shots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon