(RW) Bowling Rebel pt 2

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hardywoman99 Izzy sneaks out again going to the bowling alley. Rip finds her talking to a boy which won't end well.

Running up to my friends they all cheered that I had actually made it but I couldn't tell them I snuck out because my father wouldn't let me come. We were almost through one whole game right before I recognized the boys from school getting the lane right next to ours. One of the boys from my history class has blonde hair and green eyes who was named Jacob. Everytime it wasn't my turn I would be going over and talking with him until the door of the bowling alley got bursts opened by my father. "I'm screwed..." I mumbled under my breath when he walked up yanking me towards the door by the hood of my jacket until we're outside.

"I told you no about coming here tonight and yet you still disobey me, Isabella!" My father never used my full name unless he was furious with me. Yanking my arm from his grasp I stomped my foot on the ground shouting. "Dad enough this is ridiculous. Nothing happened until you showed up and completely embarrassed me. In front of my friends and some boys from school. Do you know that Monday at school I will be the talk of the town and not in the good way!" He opened the passenger door shoving me inside slamming the truck door getting in the driver's side. "I don't care. I told you no and you disobeyed my words. So you're not allowed to see that boy anymore understand!"

Slumping towards the window I cross my arms over my chest shoving my back towards him. The drive home was in silent anger till we pulled in the driveway. I yanked the door opened slamming it closed behind me stomping up onto the front porch. "Lisen here little Missy I am trying to keep you safe. I don't want you to end up a teen parent like your mother and I did." My father said following me down the hallway getting the door closed in his face. "News flash dad. Nothing was going to happen I was just talking to Jacob about how football was going. We weren't talking about kissing or having sex. So I wasn't going to be like mom. Sorry you thought I'd screw up!" Rip threw his cowboy hat down in the living room more frustrated than he was earlier in the night.

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