(JD) Cowboy Revenge

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Ya'll I am literally one away from having done a total 100 of requests for this book. Thank you so much!!!

Request from mrs-fanfiction-2001 on Tumblr. Hey do do requests if you do could you do one if you have time and don’t mind of John Dutton x reader  someone hurts the reader and he freaks out in John Dutton style

Blinking my eyes opened I moaned feeling horrible pain in my back. Lifting my head up I'm laying in my husband's bed seeing him sleeping I'm a chair at my bedside. He rubbed his eyes taking my hand in his rubbing his thumb over my palm. "Do you remember what happened to you, honey?" He questioned with sadness clearly in his eyes. Closing my eyes I did remember what happened to me last night. I had went on a ride by myself before the sun set but there was a biker gang climbing over our fence. I tried to get them to leave on my own but they ended up just beating me until my husband and Rip found me.

"I shouldn't have went out on my own last night...I'm sorry." I sniffed trying to get out of the bed to go to the bathroom but my legs give out. John quickly rushed to my aid wrapping his arms around my waist holding me against his chest. "Woah, hey now. You don't have anything to apologize for Y/n." Locking gaze with him he helped me into the bathroom and back to the bed with little issues. Pulling the covers back over my legs John climbed into the bed with me. Draping an arm over my shoulder letting me lay my head on his chest. "What are you going to do to them, John?" I trailed off tracing patterns on his arm, knowing that he was going to get revenge on someone hurting his family. Becoming his wife was the happiest day of my life but I know he does things sometimes that I don't agree with. Every single one of his children and bunkhouse cowboys knew if someone attacked the ranch then we must fight back.

Later that evening Rip had found the bikers coming to destroy our fence. I stay sitting on John's horse with his brown jacket around me for warmth. John was the first to step out of the shadows, Kayce and Rip followed shortly after. "You back for more huh, babygirl?" The lead biker teased me causing John to clutch his hands into fists. "Don't talk to her like that. This is my home, she's my wife. You attacked her which makes you a threat to my family." Rip tossed a shovel to the biker and I bite my lip knowing he intended them to dig their own graves. "Let this be a lesson to you all. I'm gonna keep these holes right here.." One biker started to get out Kayce noticed. "Nobody said get out!" John glanced my direction for a second still picturing the fresh bruises on my body, so he yanks the lead biker out of the hole by his shirt threatening him. "If you ever come back here I'm gonna fill these holes, you understand. Because you hurt the love of my life, you hurt my family so you better get smarter and never come back here!"

Rip eyes me taking notice of the marks on my shoulders. Kayce started picking up the shovels when the bikers went straight for their bikes leaving the field immediately. Tucking hair behind my ear I keep my eyes trained on the opened holes until John walks up to me. "They won't come after you ever again, darling. I promise you that." He whispered resting a hand to my cheek. I press my face against his palm feeling comfort with just a simple touch from him. "Will you really bury the guys if they come back?" I shutter at the thought of bodies being in this field as a threat. The only bodies that are buried here are of his family, but I don't like the feeling of others being killed here because they attack the family. John climbed behind me on the horse taking the reins and slowly taking us back home. Laying my head against his chest he kissed my forehead gently. "If they're smart enough I won't have to fill the holes. But if they do, they'll know what happens when somebody messes with my wife." In that moment I knew he was dead serious. Duttons don’t do revenge lightly.

Comments really appreciated:)

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