There's Another Girl For Him PT 2

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@HeatherSavage0 requested a part 2. Monica confronts the reader and asks her about Kayce. The reader doesn't know what she is talking about but starts to be conflicted with what her heart is saying

Tying the saddle straps on my horse it had been a quite morning for me. John would need my help for a few hours when they had to round up the cattle in the south side of the ranch. Brushing the mane of my horse I heard footsteps entering the doorway of the barn and I was a little surprised at who it was. Monica was standing there and the reason I was worried is because I have actually never seen her come into the barn. She usually stayed at the main house porch just watching her son Tate from afar. "I feel like we need to talk about something. It has been bothering me every time I watch you and Kayce together when you talk and everything." Sitting down the brush that I had in my hands I held onto the end of my hat I faced her not understanding what she was talking about exactly. "Uh yeah I guess. What exactly do you think is going on between me and Kayc?" I asked her crossing my arms over my chest trying to figure her out.

"I understand that you are best friends with him. But it doesn't seem like it is remaining to be just a friendship. What I want to know right now is that are you trying or wanting to steal my husband from me?" She bluntly asked stepping towards me where we were almost pressed up against each other. Since we were the same height I wasn't that intimidated by her at all. I didn't for like she was ready understanding our relationship. I didn't wear the brand but I was completely loyal to helping this place and would do anything. "Monica, I have no clue what you are talking about right now. He has been my childhood best friend. There is nothing romantic about us together. He's married to you and has a son. You're the one he chose not me.." She huffed sending me a dark glare turning on her heels leaving me so confused at what just happened. "We'll figure it out because I refuse to have to share him with you. He is my husband not yours!"

Walking up the stairs it was after sunset by the time I was heading back inside the main house. John was following behind me shortly tying up his horse in the barn for the night. Removing my hat from my head I stopped in my tracks seeing that Beth was sitting in one of the chairs by the window with a glass of whiskey in her hand. "Come sit down honey. I feel like you need to talk with me tonight. I saw Monica confront you she was loud when I was talking with Rip." Sitting across from her in another chair I slumped my shoulders not really sure why my feelings we're deciding to confuse me now after all these years. Running my fingers through my hair I sighed mumbling under my breath. "I don't understand why I am falling for your brother now...I mean I have had feelings for him but I always thought it was just a friendship bond. What do you think I should do, Beth?" She sat her dink down leaning forward placing her hand over mine where I locked gazes with her. "Embrace them like a true cowgirl. Take that rancher by the horns if you want him. Life is too short to wonder what if...hey little brother." She waved causing me to spin around in my chair seeing him peaking around the corner where he entered the living room. "Hey Y/n, I was going to head up to the summer camp this weekend. And I was wondering...would you want to come with me?"

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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