(JD) He's The Father, Daddy

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Request from artoldfartsandunicornhearts Tumblr. I was wondering if i could request a John oneshot where the reader is his youngest (after kayce) and she tells him she's pregnant. Maybe it was by a ranch hand?.

Intertwining my hand with Ryan's he kept messing with his black cowboy hat on his head telling me he was a nervous reck. And I was too considering I am pregnant and the youngest child of the family. My father had already freaked out when my brother Kayce came home with a pregnant girl and wouldn't get an abortion. Walking up the porch steps my father sits on the swing just enjoying the sunrise since he had just finished breakfast an hour ago. "Mornin' sweetheart. Ryan, how's everything going?" He asked hie gaxe flickering between the two of us. Sucking in a breath I cleared my throat looking my father in the eye. "Dad..I'm...I'm pregnant." He nearly jumped out of his chair and I was worried he was gonna come back with a shotgun. He gets to his feet eyes bugged out almost. "Who's the father honey. Does he know about it?"

Ryan and I didn't expect to get pregnant. Hell we didn't expect to fall for each other but we did somehow. Watching my sister with Rip I keep hoping that he won't get mad about all this. Ryan's never treated me bad or anything but my father is his boss so he can fire him either way. "Yes he knows about the baby...actually he's standing here with us...Ryan, he's the father daddy." I avoided his gaze for a second until he gets in Ryan's face with the serious father look he used when any of us did something stupid. "Do you care about my daughter?" Ryan gulped trying to not hesitate. "Yes, sir." He asked another question to the father of my child. "Will you be apart of the child's life even if it gets tough?" Ryan nodded yes then my father disappeared into the house coming out carrying something in his hands.

"Daddy, are you sure?" In his hands he was holding one of my mother's favorite rings that she said to give to one of her daughters whoever got married first. He nodded putting it in Ryan's palm patting him on the shoulder. "Yeah honey I am. If he is going to stay he deserves to have your hand in marriage. It's what you're mother wanted for you and all our children to be happy." Without thinking I ran up flinging my arms around his neck and he hugs me back kissing my forehead. When we broke the hug I saw Ryan sigh in relief before I leaned up kissing him slowly. He wrapped his arms around my waist kissing me back then looked at my father who was smiling. "Thank you, Mr. Dutton. I'll take care of her." My father tipped his hat as a warning even though he was still smiling. "Raise my grandchild right you here."

Comments really appreciated

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