(RW) - Protective Wheeler

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Request from @starwithaheart on Tumblr. The youngest Dutton Y/n finally comes home as the ranch is under attack and he goes into protective mode

Driving under the Yellowstone sign I hear gunshots in the distance once I parked. Suddenly gunshots became clear causing me to run towards the house. The Bunkhouse cowboys are shooting at the invaders. I hear a young boys cry from the main house until someone comes running towards me. “Y/n, you can’t be out here!” With my body frozen in place I nearly don’t realize it’s Rip speaking to me. First day home in months and this shit happens. I’d left to go check out the city for awhile to get a change of pace but I realized I belong on the ranch.

Growing up as the youngest Dutton child I knew I always had someone to protect me. My father John always babied me since I have no memory of my mother Evelyn. Rip gently but firmly grabs my arm dragging me towards the V barn a shotgun in his other hand. He gently pushes me inside so we’re out of sight. “Rip why is this happening, today of all days?” I question covering my ears to not hear the scary sounds. He cocked the shotgun aiming it out the door before firing a shot off, slamming his body from view beside me.

“I have no fucking clue darlin’. All I know is I can’t find anybody, not Kayce, you’re sister, or father.” He looks over his shoulder quickly as I wrap my arms around myself trying to be brave around him. Secretly I’ve had a massive crush on my father’s head ranch hand for years. But my older sister Beth always flirts with him. So I doubt he feels the same for me as I do him. He locks gazes with me seeing my body shacking so he gently pulls me into his chest.

The shotgun leaned on the wall as my hands clutch his black jacket hearing his voice whispering in my ear. “Hey you're okay. You're safe with me. Y/n, I'm right here." His right hand running through my hair until he hears a body fall from the roof, he mumbles under his breath. "Fuck, I've gotta get you out of here." He takes my hand tightly grabbing the gun rushing to the truck. My eyes see that someone is now hanging from the Bunkhouse once we're to his truck. "Rip we can't leave them to die." I croaked out still terrified of the scenes before me.

“They wear the brand Y/n. It’s their job.” He slams his foot on the gas driving quickly down the road dialing my sister but it goes to voicemail. “Where the hell is everybody!” My heart beat increases at the thought of my family all dead. I already didn’t have a mother I can’t lose the rest of my family. “Rip - what happens if they follow us...try and kill us?” He glances my way reaching across the console taking my hand in his freehand. “Those assholes won’t come after you. I won’t let them hurt the woman I love.” I don't know if it's over the shock and blood I've seen today that's making me lose my mind. But he must be joking, right. Rip Wheeler can't love me, John Dutton's youngest daughter.

Whipping my head in his direction I blurted out at the cowboy next to me. “You love me, Rip!” He pulls the truck off to the side of the road so he can actually stare at me. “Of course I love you Y/n Dutton. You’ve always been the one for me.” His freehand cups my face wiping away tears. Staring into his eyes I leaned in putting my lips over his. Rip kisses back slowly until we need air his forehead resting over mine. “I love you right back Rip.” He smiles lightly starting the car up so we can find the rest of my family.

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