(JD) Ranching Wedding

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Request from elenavampure21 on Tumblr. I would love a story where John proposes to the reader and they have their wedding at the ranch and John sees the reader in her wedding dress for the first time . I know your probably very busy so totally understand if you can't manage.

John has only ever wooed one woman in his life and that was his late wife Evelyn. But then he found you the new woman of his dreams. You had a wildness about you that reminded him of his youngest son Kayce. Somehow he learned to love the new challenge for a man his age. Now he stands in front of his family home wearing a tux and his black cowboy hat. Beth stands at his side with Lee grinning. Rip stood on the other side of him watching the front door opened. His breath gets caught in his throat at the stunning sight before him.

Holding up my dress so I don't trip my hair is slightly curled but completely loose. I am wearing my grandmother's wedding ring around my neck as a necklace. My gaze stays locked on John seeing his mouth hanging open. I chuckled reaching him and the man preforming the ceremony. He tips his hat to me like he did the night we met at a wine sampling place. I am friends with the current governor. "You ready to do this, ma'am?" I smiled intertwined my hands with his replying. "I've been ready since the day you asked for my hand." The man preforming the ceremony resta his hands ontop of our intertwined ones. "Today we are gathered to join John and Y/n as one. If you will each repeat after me please....I, John Dutton take you Y/n L/n to be my wife." John stares down at me his smile growing bigger.

"I, John Dutton, take you Y/n L/n to be my wife." I squeeze his hands in mine repeating the words to him. "I, Y/n L/n, take you John Dutton to be my husband." The Minster removed his hand letting me slip John's ring on and he slipped mine on hearing the words we both longed for since this morning. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride Mr. Dutton." John needed no more instruction when he cupped my face in his hands slowly kissing me with all the love he had. I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him back but I snatch his cowboy hat with my right hand putting it on my head. "Always full of surprises, Y/n Dutton." He perks my lips pulling me in for another kiss.

Comments really appreciated :)

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