(JD) Dutton's Flame

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Request from @whateverthecostner on Tumblr. A curvy reader that was John's old flame shortly after Evelyn but maybe they had a falling out and he runs into her at a rodeo or some other event and they rekindle their romance?

Entering the rodeo seating I put a cowgirl hat on my head looking for an empty seat, finding one on the fifth row I take a selfie with one of the horses behind me. "Cute, wait a second is that...John?" Whipping my head down to the fence line he's talking with one of the riders. I feel heat rush to my cheeks not even being that close to him. I haven't seen him let alone spoke to him since our fight four months ago over him lying to me about the truth of what the train station really is. I couldn't live with his lies, I don’t know anything he ever said to me was the truth.

"Y/n, give me a chance to explain." John follows me outside the front door as I spin on my heels facing him arms thrown out. "Hell no John. I don't see how you're any better than Richard was!" Richard used to be my ex boyfriend but he always was ashamed of me being curvyer than his other girlfriends in the past. John said he'd take care of him after he interrupted my date night with John. "He didn't treat you right like a boyfriend should. You said he was abusive to you after you slept with each other. You're beautiful and I didn't want him hurting you anymore!" John explained tears forming in his eyes not wanting to lose me. I'm the first person he's had feelings for since losing his late wife Evelyn, I'd managed to work my way into his heart.

Footsteps creaking on the bleachers breaks me from my trance and I suck a lump in my throat seeing its John. "Is that seat beside you taken, darlin?" I shake my head no watching him sir beside me, eyes trained on the ring with the horse riders. "I didn't expect to see you here tonight, Y/n." He spoke quickly for silence to fall around us with the rodeo noise almost not being heard by the tension between us. Fiddling with the ends of my flannel shirt I mumbled out. "I'm sorry I left things the way we did-" He takes a sip of his beer in a plastic cup cutting me off. "You don't have anything to apologize for honey. If anything I do."

"John, we don't have to talk about it here." I tried ending the conversation not expecting to bring back our last memory. He turns his head staring into my eyes, tipping his brown hat up to see me better. "Let me say something Y/n, I'm sorry. I should've asked what you wanted me to do with that dumbass...but I didn't. And I'll regret it everyday because I lost you. But know this I never stopped loving you, Y/n and I never will." I mumbled curse words in my head feeling tears slip down my cheeks at his words. John let's his own tears fall but reached forward wiping mine away instead of his own.

His right hand comes to rest against my cheek as I sniffed missing him too much to lie saying I don't love him. "J - John, I love you too..." I sniffed through tears that I wiped away with my sleeve. "Can I buy you another beer?" He nodded smiling holding out his freehand for me and we leave the bleachers, clinking our cups together he vows. "I promise no more lies anymore. I don't plan on losing you again, Y/n L/n." I take a few steps forward pressing my lips to his causing him to gasp at first then kiss me back. "I'll never leave you again, John Dutton."

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