(KD) - Jealously Cute

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(2nd Kayce Dutton request) Request from @lovingheadcanonsfanficgoth on Tumblr. Reader is better with horses than Kayce and he gets jealous but she finds it cute.

The barn door opens but I don't break eye contact with the horse I'm working with. "He still won't let anyone ride him without bucking them off." Kayce, John Dutton's son enters the barn. His father had called me in to get a second opinion on a crazy horse that needed to be broken in or he'll go to the slotter house. Opening the stall door I lead the horse out of the barn to run in the fence area. Kayce followed closely with a rope on his shoulder that he uses to train horses with.

Raising one leg up on the fence I started to climb over into the pen until Kayce asked. "What are you about to do?" Removing my hat I toss it to him fully climbing into the pen with the mad horse. "I'm gonna ride him what does it look like." Kayce comes closer to the fence watching me put one foot in the holder. "I don't think that's a good Idea. You could get hurt, Y/n." Swinging my other leg over I shake my head at the trainer before me. "Lisen Dutton, your daddy called me here to get this one working. I've gotta take the risk of riding him to see what I'm working with."

Kicking the horse in its belly I snatch the reins immediately when the horse starts going crazy. Throwing it's back and forth legs all wild. Trying to buck me off like a bull would. This horse kicked up a dust storm all around the pen. But I never let go knowing if I do he wins. Finally the horse starts slowly down a little and I throw my freehand up telling Kayce. "The bag of sugar cubes now." He tosses them to me and I hold one up to the horses nose. He slowly eyes me and I see the reason why he doesn't want people riding him.

Dismounting him slowly I give him a few of the sugar cubes to eat, climbing back over the fence. "The reason he won't ride is simple..." I wait for Kayce to say something back but all he does is cross his arms over his chest like he's angry. His head tilted down so I can't see his face very good with that black hat in the way. "What you're not at all the least bit curious?" Tipping his hat up with my freehand I see a scowl on his lips that makes me smirk at the ranchers son. "You're jealous aren't ya cowboy?"

"Hell no. You're wrong." He turns his back to me only proving my statement true. Walking around to face him again I tilt his chin to mine making him look me in the eye. "I'm sorry your jealous. Jealous that I came out here and in one day I've figured out what is wrong with this horse. That you couldn't do and you were raised on this ranch." He grumbled something under his breath I can't understand. "But Kayce look at me. I've had people show me up in this line of work too. Felt the same thing you feel. But I'm not gonna be one of the assholes I've come across."

Kayce turned around slowly watching me click my tongue so the horse comes to me. "What do you mean?" Brushing my hand through its main the horse and I stare into each other's eyes. "Instead of golting about it. I'm gonna teach you. Teach you how I know." Kayce rests his arms on the wooden fence too curious not to listen in. "Some people can see what's wrong with a horse by what is it it's eyes. Take this one for example, whoever had him last was abusive to him. So whenever someone tries to ride him it brings back all sorts of trauma for him."

"So how do we get him to let us ride him?" Looking over at Kayce I see he still slightly has a jealous look on his face but his eyes show he wants to learn. "It won't be easy. But if you start reassuring him everytime before you get on the saddle that you're not gonna hurt him. That's a good place to start." The horse goes over to drink some water from a traft as I place my hat back on my head. "Hey, uh Y/n." I stopped in my tracks of heading for the barn glancing over my shoulder at him.

He kicks a few rocks with one of his boots his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "Thank you, for helping me today." His brown eyes locked onto mine. "You're welcome. Oh and Kayce...I think it's cute when you're jealous." I replied back with a smile seeing him blush a little. He followed me back to the barn hoping he'd get to see you again after today.

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