(JD) - Family Dinner

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Request from lizzydutton on Tumblr. John Dutton Valentine’s Day oneshot. John and the readers first Valentine’s Day with their newborn. Maybe a small simple dinner for them to just enjoy time together

Walking down the stairs carrying my newborn baby in my arms before a wonderful smell of food filled my nose. Entering the kitchen I gasped seeing my husband John Dutton dressed in a suit and tie holding my favorite flowers in his left hand. "Evening my lovely valentine." He stepped forward taking our son Lucas in his right arm handing me the roses with his other. Once our son is in his high chair he gently takes my hand in his escorting me to a table full of good looking food. "John this looks so good and -  oh my god is that strawberry cake!" I giggled sniffling the cake with chocolate icing sitting next to the plate of steak.

John fed Lucas his baby bottle food while I ate my steak feeling his eyes staring at me making me chuckle. "John you're staring again." He chuckled resting his chin in the palm of his hand barley having touched anything to eat. "I'm sorry darlin' you're just so beautiful that I could get lost in you all the time." Titling my head down I blush, he's always had a way with compliments about me. He'll say  I'm beautiful even when it's late at night and I'm making cookies in the middle of the night. Where he accidentally scares me and I threw flower all over the both us that resulted in a flower fight in the kitchen.

"You're not too bad yourself John. I believe our son will grow up to be as handsome as his father." I gave him a compliment right back watching him get to his feet with an outstretched hand for me. "Care to dance Y/n?" Glancing down at my clothes which was just a simple nightgown I can't help but compare it him all neatly dressed up. "John I - I can't. I'm not dressed properly for it." He tucks some hair behind my ear giving me a loving smile. "That doesn't matter to me babydoll. You're perfect in a fancy dress or a tea shirt and blue jeans any day to me. All I care about is getting to hold you in my arms."

Finally getting to my feet I intertwined my hands with his and it was there in the kitchen that we slowly danced together like we were at a fancy event. John is a busy man and I'm busier now that Lucas was born. So these little moments in each other's arms makes up for all the time we're busy. "I love you since the day I met you, Y/n L/n." He whispers into my hair leaving a kiss. "I love you with my whole heart John. Happy Valentine’s Day cowboy. " I mumbled back just before Lucas started getting fussy wanting to go to bed. We break apart smiling as I rock our son to sleep in my arms.

Comments really appreciated  ❤️

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