(JD) - Fireplace Love

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Request from @meadowwren on Tumblr. John and the reader relax in front of the fireplace on Christmas eve.

Slamming the front door closed I toss my tan jacket across the room and my brown hat on the kitchen Island. Collapsing onto the couch with my hands over my face I hear my husband chuckling lifting my head so it lays in his lap. "Rough day honey?" Lifting my hands up I groan from having too deal with putting Tate to bed. Kayce and Monica went out tonight so he was staying with us. But he’s too excited for the arrival of Santa Claus to sleep a wink tonight.

“Tate literally wouldn’t go to sleep until two hours later.” John chuckles brushing my hair from my face smiling. “Can’t be too mad with him honey, he’s our grandson after all.” Slightly sitting up I lay my head on his chest closing my eyes. He removes his tan cowboy hat sitting it on the table by his feet. The living room fills with the warmth from the fireplace that’s decorated with Christmas lights and stockings hanging. The Christmas tree in the corner decorations done by Tate early this week.

Normally we both had to work the ranch before Christmas Eve but we got in our last bit of profits two weeks earlier. John snuggles into my hold one arm draped over my side. His left hand sipping some beer from a glass. “John...” I mumble into his shirt lifting my head up. He sits the drink down on the side table looking down at me. “Would you ever want another child?” He blush’s a little at the question the firelight making him more handsome.

“I didn’t think you’d want another one sweetie.” He breaths out rubbing the back of his neck. Raising my right hand I tilt his face towards mine smiling. “Just imagine it we could have a Christmas baby next year.” My other hand messing with his shirt. His left hand goes to my waist with his right brushing hair from my face. He leans down pressing his lips onto mine and I immediately kissed back. My arms wrapped around his neck feeling him pull me backwards so I’m laying on top of his chest with his back on the couch.

His hands rest under my shirt grinning up at me lovingly. “Are you sure Tate won’t come downstairs?” My hair falls over my shoulders with a grin on my face. “Don’t worry cowboy. I told him the Grinch would steal his presents if he did, so we’re all alone down here.” John cups my face in his hands pulling my lips to his. My hands run through his hair feeling his hands running through my hair. “Let’s go to our room just in case darlin’.” He breathes out in a daze from us not being like this for years.

“I love this living room especially the fireplace. It makes everything romantic.” I tilt my head smirking and he matches it. But I crash my lips to my husbands again earning a moan from him. “I love you John Dutton.” His right hand rests to my cheek the heat from the fireplace as warm as the love we share. “I love you too Y/n Dutton.” He leans up on his elbows kissing me and after that everything else becomes a blur of kisses in front of the fireplace under the Christmas lights.

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