(KD) Chasing Stars Cowboy

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Kayce gets a phone call from his old high school sweetheart the night he returns from being a Navy seal. (He never gets together with Monica).

Inspired by the song called "Thinking 'Bout You" by Dustin Lynch.

Kayce's POV
Driving home from the closets airport I'm beyond tired. One hand on the steering wheel I dial my dad thinking he should know I'm almost home. But as I'm about to hit call a certain contact number and picture flashes over my screen. Y/n L/n, my high school sweetheart. The daughter of the town sheriff. "Hey babe, I wasn't expecting a call from you. How have you been?" Y/n replies through the phone. "I've been good. Sorry I know it's late but I thought I'd call ya since Jamie told me you were coming home tonight." He chuckles lightly at her sweetness. When we started dating the summer before our senior year I'd told her about wanting to become a Navy seal. Of course she was worried I would get hurt but she was more supportive than my dad, he wanted me to be Livstock Commissioner.

"Don't be sorry. I've missed you've voice. Hey - uh since I'm about to the ranch. How about we catch up?" I clear my throat in nervousness seeing the entrance of my family's ranch in the headlights. "Yes let's totally do that Kayce. I've got a suprise though..." Her voice trailed off as I finally park my truck, getting out to see the front porch light on. "Y/n, you still there?" I question to her end of the phone hearing the line go to static. Is she hurt. Did she lose phone signal. The front door swung open for me to tip my hat upwards to get a better view of the figure on the porch. "Suprise cowboy!" Her cheerful voice exclaims in the light.

Whipping my head up in shock I gasped putting my phone in my pocket walking up the stairs. "When the hell did you get here?" She comes to wrap her arms around me in a loving hug. My arms bring her to my chest for a long waiting hug, allowing me to breathe in the scent of her hair. "Like I said silly Jaime told me you'd be coming home late tonight. So I asked your dad if I could spend the night to wait for your return since everyone else is asleep from the long day of working the ranch." She grins once we break the hug still holding onto one another. "I've missed ya, Kayce." I tilt my head down releasing a chuckle. "I've missed you too, Y/n. More than I thought I would..." She takes my right hand dragging me to sit down on one of the porch chairs with her sitting across from me in the other one. "So what's new with you since becoming a seal. If you don't want to talk about it I understand." Her voice goes lower with concern that It's a sore subject.

"It's fine darlin'. Let's just simply put I've seen and done things I can't unsee." I reply hands together in front of me looking at my boots. She gives a small head nod, jumping to her feet to lean out on the porch squealing up at the night sky. "Shooting stars Kayce!" Turning around in the chair I see the stars she's talking about. Ever since we were teenagers in young love she'd always love chasing the stars out to the center of the ranch. It's the best place to see the whole sky shining with stars compared to in town where it's almost impossible. Dad doesn't like that the politicians talking about building an airport or casino.

Getting to my feet I come behind her wrapping my arms around her waist. Feeling her relax into my chest my chin rested ontop of her head. "Kayce, can we go star gazing?" Normally it was dangerous to ride the horses at night in fear that the wolves might injure it. But when she gazes up at me with those puppy dog eyes of hers I can't not give in. "Anything you want." Grabbing my handgun from the truck I open the barn door. Saddling up my old black horse, gently brushing its fur. "Hey buddy remember me...Y/n's here too." Y/n climbed on first gentry brushing the horse's fur as I climbed on behind her. She holds the reigns gently tugging them making the horse trot out the barn towards the fence and the open cattle fields.

The chilling wind blows through our hair causing me to almost lose my black cowboy hat. Finally we reach the center of the field I dismount first helping her down after. Laying out a blanket in the grass she lays on her back with me following, laying my hat behind my head. Glancing out the corner of my eye a grin masks my face seeing Y/n with a Christmas like smile. She pointed out each consolation she could spot and it warms my heart. During my time as a Navy seal I thought about her to avoid going insane. I've had doubts that she'd still love me now that I have PTSD. Reaching into my pocket I find the ring. Holding it between my fingers I feel my heart start racing holding my mom's wedding ring.

"Y/n?" I spoke breaking her from watching the stars. "Yeah Kayce?" Getting to my feet I clear my throat with her sitting up staring at me. "Y/n, we've been together since high school. Most people think that high school sweethearts won't last when it comes to real life. But I believe we prove them wrong..." Dropping on one knee she gasped hands covering her mouth. "I love you. You're what kept me fighting during the war. I feel like our romance can be what my parents had, so I asked my dad for this..." Showing her my mother Evelyn's ring tears forming in her eyes. "Y/n no matter what happens I think we can face it together. Always you and me. So will you marry me?"

Y/n wipes her tears away only for more to come. "Yes, yes I'll marry you." I release a breath I hadn't known I was holding in. Slipping the Dutton ring onto her left hand. She tackled me onto my back with a passionate kiss. My hands run through her hair feeling her hands doing the same to my brown curly locks. Shortly we need air and I grin seeing her laying on my chest. Her hair blowing in the wind the stary night sky dancing above her head. "I love you, Kayce Dutton." She vows eyes filled with love. Reaching up my right hand tucking some fallen hair behind her ear. "I love you, Y/n Dutton."

"Kayce can we head back," She shivers in the wind making me pick her up bridal style sitting her on the horse. Climbing on my horse I quickly got us back to the house bringing her to my old room and she gets in the covers. Removing my hat, boots and jacket I climb into spoon her from behind. "You're home darlin'." She flips over planting a kiss to my lips snuggling in to go to sleep. "My home has and will always be wherever you are, Kayce. I love you." Yanking I close my eyes mumbling into her hair so relieved to be home. "I'll always love you, Y/n."

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