(J) My Boss

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Request from @lizzydutton on Tumblr. May I request a jimmy oneshot? Jimmy brings reader to meet john and maybe their new born daughter?

"Jimmy stop fidgeting. Everything will be fine." I reached over the counsel as he nervously tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. Today is the day he decided to introduce me to his boss John Dutton. He leans back in his seat glancing to the backseat watching our newborn daughter Leia sleeping peaceful. "I'm just afraid he'll kick me off the ranch after seeing I'm a father." Turning his chin so he'll look at me he sighs as I smiled weakly. "You gave him the rest of your life. I don't think he'd just toss you off because of this."

Opening my truck door I climbed out first opening the backseat gently lifting up our daughter hopefully to not wake her from her nap. She was always hard to get back to sleep if she was woke up during her daily naps. Jimmy slowly closes his door walking at my side closely. My eyes catch on a big Y on a giant barn where we see an elderly man getting off a horse. "Excuse Mr. Dutton, can I talk with you?" Jimmy asked his voice cracking a little. Mr. Dutton exited the barn coming towards us. "Sure Jimmy. What's up?" I shift our daughter in my arms biting my lip suddenly feeling nervous in the presence of the famous John Dutton, the owner of the largest ranch in Montana.

"Sir, I  - uh  - I'd like to introduce my girlfriend and our daughter Leia." Jimmy stuttered playing with his fingers in front of him, glancing at his boots. John stepped up to me eyeing me up and down as I smiled. He slowly reached to touch my daughter who yawns waking up from her nap. She giggles trying to clap her getting a hold of his thumb making a smile grow on John's face. "She's so adorable." Jimmy's head shot up at his words looking to me giving me a head nod to ask for the favor. "Mr. Dutton, if it isn't too much trouble to ask...well we have no where to stay and-"

John held up his hands cutting me off with a grin on his face. "Say no more. Now normally I wouldn't allow women to stay in the Bunkhouse. But Jimmy you've working here for awhile. You've been loyal. So they're free to stay." Jimmy gasped removing his hat for a second smiling like a child. "Thank - thank you, sir." John tips his hat at me heading towards his house. "It was nice to meet you Y/n." I smiled leaning into Jimmy who hugged me from the side.

Comments really appreciated :)

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