Her Spirit Lives On pt2

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Rip realizes his mistake and seeks the help of John and Kayce. Meanwhile the reader is visited by someone from the Dutton's past. @yes-bitchxxxmarvel-stuff on Tumblr.

Rip knew he messed up after he watched you ride away so upset. The bunkhouse boys finished their work allowing him the chance to find help. Getting back to the main house he dismounted in a huff running up the stairs finding John. "What's the problem Rip?" His boss asked being able to read his body language right away. Kayce exited the house having just put his son to bed for the night eyeing him. "What's going on?" Rip removed his hat slumping his shoulders in frustration starting to cry. "I messed up bad sir. Y/n's run off and she's not answering her phone...I told her I didn't want kids right after she was about to say she was pregnant. I need  - I need your help finding her." The two Duttons didn't waste a second following the tracks until they ended because of the heavy rain that had started.

"We'll have to find another way to track her." Kayce explains tugging the reins of his horse hearing something coming their direction. Rip slowly moved his horse forward right as Y/n's horse ran up on them. He grabbed it to stop remembering the direction it came. John messed with his hat telling the pair. "You two follow the horse. I'll bring the helicopter from above when you find her." He ran off towards the house leaving the boys to follow the horses new tracks. Scanning the ground Rip grew nervous thinking that they might not find you. Until Kayce hollered out finding a trail of blood leading down the road meaning you or something else was bleeding. "Rip there's a trail. This way she's injured!" Rip kicks his horse racing down the trail praying you were alive.

Y/n's POV
Pushing the tree off my leg with all my strength I lay down on the ground struggling to catch my breath staring up at the sunset sky above me. Rolling on my stomach I push myself up with my other arm. Wincing sharply I feel blood coming from somewhere finally figuring out its my leg from under the reel limb. Tearing at the end of my shirt I typed up the hole hoping the blood would clot up on its own quickly. Limping with a stick I found I make the truck up a hill until I tripped over a rock not having anymore strength to get myself up on my feet again. Blinking my eyes I feel more tired than I was this morning which has to be because of the baby and the bleeding. I must be losing it because I see a figure coming closer that I could make out it as a girl with blonde hair.

The weirdest thing about her is that she's dressed like an Indian instead of jeans and a tea shirt. Meaning she must be from the past or I am dead and she is coming to tell me that. Yet she lowered herself to her knees pointing out in the distance that I think my horse went. Closing my eyes I almost let myself pass out until four sets of horse hooves and the humming of a helicopter filled my ears. Someone rushed cupping my face calling my name quickly. "Y/n. Y/n it's Rip. Open you're eyes please!" Rip’s voice shouted down to me when I squinted my eyes opened. Somebody else helps him lift me up where I recognized a blurry Kayce. The four of us managed to get inside the helicopter. "Y/n hang on for me. You're going to fine you hear me. I love you." Rip said as I struggle to keep my eyes opened laying across his lap getting flown to the hospital.

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