Regency in Diagon Alley: AN OFFER FROM A GENTLEMAN [PART I]

Start from the beginning

Imogen have one of her own, sent by her grandfather upon learning of my existence, he made sure that the design reflected the other half of her heritage. A reminder of who she was.

Filipinos, Father said, were a prideful lot, especially when it comes to their culture. Who wasn’t? She would say, and he would always laugh at that and ruffle her hair. But he was not wrong. Growing up, while having a governess to teach about her English side, Mother took it upon herself to teach Imogen about Filipino heritage and made sure that all her dresses were influenced by their fashion. 

So, unlike most witches today, her sleeves were sharper, and the shape was an arch than the usual puff-sleeves. The bodice gave more emphasis bosoms’ shape, and the skirt was far larger, flowing much freely than the others, which reminded her of the saya that Mama wore every day at home.

The sudden feathery touch on the cheek averted her gaze from Mother and to Father who laughed lightly at the jumpy reaction. “And your Mama thinks you’re not nervous.”

“I was worrying about my curtsy later… and the dozen possible misfortunes that might happen.” She told him, jokingly.

“And what would those be?”

“How about I make an utter fool of myself and trip on my skirt? Or what if this feather tickles my nose and I sneeze in the middle of the walk? Or how about I lose my balance in my curtsy?”

“First of all. You will not trip because I have seen you do your curtsy since the day you learned how, and you could do so without fail.” He started counting with his fingers. “Secondly, you will not trip because no one who can dance the Tinikling could trip.” He grinned at that, even mother smiled at that comment. “And lastly, if you sneeze… we could blame the summer allergies – the pollen.”

“And what if someone laughs?” 

“Then that means you made a very dull presentation entertaining.” He laughed. “Not to worry, my darling, you will do fine. You are perfect just the way you are.” He leaned over to kiss her forehead. “Now, go look out the window, you will see something that might relax your nerves.”

Going to the side of the carriage, to the direction of the west, there Imogen saw the most glorious sight. Kieran Keep. The crown jewel sitting atop the hill that overlooks Clach Dhubh – one of the most bustling cities for trade and culture in Magical Britain. The architecture of the manor was a mix of the classical age and goth, that blended splendidly. It was a mix of the castles found in Scotland with a hint of Greek pillars and Roman arches. Then beyond the manor was the garden where a space was dedicated for hyacinths, and the supposed Fountain of Fair Fortune was hidden in the maze, then there were the creatures – phoenixes and pegasi flew across their skies, unicorns ran across the hills. 

The sight of Kieran Keep had Imogen remember two of the Kierans, one of which was a close friend of hers who was also to be presented this season as well. 

“It seems, the Kierans are just about to head to the Glass Dome,” Father mused as he spotted the grand carriage placed before the gates where it would be pulled by dragons. Of course. Leave it to the Kierans to always make an entrance. 

Afterall, knowing the family’s reputation and through her friend, Imogen knew that this season would be far more interesting than the last ones with all three children of age and most probably were joining the Marriage Market.


The hall of Castle Solomon was crowded with nobility. The debutants and their presenters were called upon to the room before the door of leading to the Glass Dome. Upon arriving, the Roths were not given much time to interact as the staff instructed the large crowd of debutants – all in their white frock, similar in terms of color, but unique in design – into the room where they would give their names to the caller and wait for their turn. 

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