Δ Enter: Percy Jackson, and the Series of Events that Followed

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Harry has and will always be Carina's best friend. They have shared every moment in life together – from their first steps, first words (which was "Ria!" for Harry, and "Potty!" for Carina), their first day in elementary school, and then Carina's multiple transfers to different schools, which sometimes would be in Harry's current school, their first time sneaking out during curfew, their detentions, and who would ever forget, their first ever accidental kiss – a story which involved Harry and Carina looking a bit too closely into a detail for their project and Ron accidentally pushing Harry, and then Harry bumping his teeth to Carina's lip, which caused a busted lip... and lots of blood. But they told everyone that Harry kissed her so he wouldn't be teased.

The bottom line was, Harry was and will always be Carina's best friend. Her brother from another mother... hopefully! And, she was happy when Harry also accepted her friends from Camp – Roman and Theodore.

For the past two years since Carina came to Camp Half-Blood and have been spending her summers there, she kept in contact with her new found friends – Roman, Theodore, Annabeth, Seamus, Dean, the Stroll twins, Luke, and so many more – by writing letters to them, since half-bloods and technology don't blend well. And recently, she managed to have Roman come with them for a movie night, even thought it was a bit risky considering their company included two first generation demigods and one 3rd generation legacy. But, surprisingly, they managed to get through the day without the worry of monsters.

But, after that movie, after she and her father dropped off Roman at Camp and then returned home to have one last dinner before she goes to camp herself the next day, Harry asked a question that she – everyone was not sure how to answer.

"Can't I come to camp with you this summer?" Harry asked.

"What?" Carina asked.

"It's just that, we barely see each other in school since you transferred, and during the summer, you're off to camp and I rarely see you anymore, so I was wondering if I could go to camp with you."

Carina glanced at her parents, Harry's parents, and Remus, who were all stunned with his question.

"Uh..." Carina trailed off. "Harry, it's a bit complicated."

"How is it complicated, it's just summer camp, right?"

"Yeah, but..."

Yeah, summer camp... for demigods, Carina thought. Where we have to train everyday and learn to fight monsters because for the rest of our lives we will be fighting to survive!

Harry frowned. "I get it."

"No, it's not like that."

"You don't want me to be there, don't' you?"

"Harry!" Lily chastised.

"Harry, that's not true!" Sirius said in the most incredulous tone. "Of course, Carina wants you there, it's just... complicated."

"Sirius," Remus and Emmanuelle sighed in frustration. The man needed to choose his words.

"Harry, you have to understand, Carina's summer camp just isn't for you," James knelt down to his son's side. "It's a bit different..."

It's a summer camp for the bastard children of the gods! Was what Carina wanted to say, but couldn't because: one, Harry's parents were still asking them to hold off on the information until he was ready, and two, because Carina's mother would scold her for even using the word "bastard", which, by the way, she learned in her new school while they were studying Ancient Greece and Rome.

The dinner ended a bit early than intended, and the Potters headed home, while apologizing over and over to Sirius, Emmanuelle, and Carina.

"It's no problem," Sirius smiled kindly. "He'll understand, besides, he'll turn eleven now right? He'll be ready just before summer ends."

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