Δ His Name is Roman, But He's Half-Greek God

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When Carina asked for the magical revelation that she was more than just a normal girl, she expected a friendly giant to come through the door with a letter, not an immortal centaur who trained all those heroes she's read of nor an Uncle who wears...

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When Carina asked for the magical revelation that she was more than just a normal girl, she expected a friendly giant to come through the door with a letter, not an immortal centaur who trained all those heroes she's read of nor an Uncle who wears black and is carrying a bow and arrow. But after hearing from them about how the other demigods found out about their true identity and most getting killed before getting to sanctuary, she knew how fortunate she was that she has survived eight years while still living ignorantly about who she was.

The whole while, while Chiron, Regulus, and her father explained to her about the gods, the Western movement, the other camp, as they would call since Chiron swore an oath to never speak its name, Carina asked her questions and they all answered it truthfully, but when it came to sensitive ones – especially whenever her father and Uncle Regulus would glance at each other – they would just say "when the time comes, you'll know." That did not matter – maybe she'll know eventually – but when she asked the big question, she was displeased with their answer.

"You said that my mother is a Greek goddess," Carina glanced at her mother, she saw how uncomfortable she was. "Who is she? And how did it happen?"

"Ah, well," Sirius blushed. "How it happened? I don't think that's a good conversation – Carina, I'm not sure if now's the right time to talk about the birds and the bees –"

"That's not what she meant!" Regulus sighed.

Sirius finally realized what Carina was asking.

"I'll leave you all for a moment to talk," Chiron said and then went back to his wheelchair and wheeled himself to the living room where he would stand guard by the door to keep a look out for more monsters that would come. It was dangerous to have three demigods in one place.

"It's a bit complicated, Carina," Sirius said. "And I don't think you'll understand just yet –"

"I just survived being chased by empousai, I think I can handle to know who my mother is," Carina crossed her arms over her chest.

Emmanuelle took her daughter's hands and spoke in a soft tone. "You mustn't blame your father, Carina, you have to understand, what happened then – we had no control over it... she – your mother said that it was given to her by the fates that she would bear your father a child like no other." She thought for a moment on how to explain to her daughter the complicated history between her, Sirius, and Carina's mother. "Do you remember the story of Hercules?"

"You read that to me every night – and we watch the Disney movie every Christmas, so, yes."

"Do you remember how Hercules was born? Not the Disney version."

Carina had a confused look on her face, and then made a gesture of babies coming out of the mothers. It looked more like her opening a cabinet on her belly and then pulling out the bairn from inside.

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