~ IB: First Time Alone

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"Are you sure it's alright?"

Theodore rolled his eyes, with his arms restrained as he carried his twins, he used his head to push Carina out of the nursery and to the study where she could use the floo. A couple of hours ago, Carina received a letter from Sinora concerning her research. With her maternity leave ending, she has started working, she mostly did it at home but when she was needed at the school, she would leave her twins to Charity and Sirius' care – which would often take her hours before she could let go of them ("Carina, they'll be fine with us," Sirius said. Carina pouted as forced herself to give her children to her parents. "I'll be back soon, I promise." She told them.). Now, with Theodore having his day-off, he was going to stay at home to look after the children while Carina goes to Sinora.

"We'll be fine," Theodore reassured her. "How hard could it be?"

"There's still some breastmilk in the fridge, just heat it up when it's time to eat – they don't usually make a fuss – most of the time they're just sleeping, but if they do it just means they're hungry or they've wet their nappies..."

"Carina, I know. They're my kids too."

"I know, and I'm sorry, I just –"

"You just don't want to leave them, I understand. But you also have a job, and they won't be alone. I'm here."

Carina sighed, she leaned down and placed a kiss on her babies' foreheads and whispered, "Mum will be back soon." Then she got on her toes and kissed Theodore on the cheek. "I won't be long."

"Take your time, besides, see this as a bonding moment with the twins. Now, go!" He shooed her to the direction of the fireplace. "We'll make sure not to burn down the house before you come back, and that we will have a great time while you're working... even though the possibility of the house burning is when Roman babysits and not me."

"That's not reassuring. And as much as I love you, and you know that I do, between you and Roman, he knows how to change a nappy." Carina stepped into the fireplace.

"I'm learning!"

"And that's why I love you, you never stop," waving one last time, Carina called out 'Sinora!' and threw the powder. The green flames devoured her instantly and she was gone.

Theodore let out a breath of relief as Carina left, looking down at his children, he saw their eyes wide open as they looked at the fireplace. He was about to tell them that their mother would be back later but then they started crying. Loudly. Uncontrollably. And it was then that Theodore realized what Roman meant when he and his father had to help Maeve understand that using the floo was just a mode of transportation and not a fire-monster eating whoever used it.

It took Theodore a while to hush the twins' cries, he played with them, lulled them, walked them around, brought them outside, but eventually, their crying turned them hungry, and now he was sitting on the couch feeding them with bottles of breastmilk. Before she gave birth, Carina and Charity went to shop for things she needed when nursing. The entire time, Theodore accompanied them to know the inside and out of the baby-bag and the things Carina needed when nursing the children. When she mentioned that she was going to breastfeed them, Theodore did not expect that she would be using a device to pump the milk out of her breasts and into bottles. He always thought she would be having the twins sucking at her tits.

"I love them, but I have listened to mothers complain about how breast feeding is not all as fun as they make it look like," said Carina.

"Agreed, I was in agony when I was breastfeeding. Luckily for you, electric breast pumps now exists... it was a nightmare when we had to do it manually or worse, have the baby suck your bleeding nipples," Charity placed the pump into their cart.

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