Δ Regulus Treats Missing Children Chinese Food, and Carina has Wings

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Theodore and Roman never felt real fear until today. For what felt like days they have been trying to get through the labyrinth to look for Carina, and their only lead was the Arena that she mentioned. She had to be there. But each turn they made it was just obstacles of monsters, the Sphynx, Janus, and large snakes. They haven't gone out of any of the doors that leads to the outside of the labyrinth, they were not leaving without Carina.

Unless they were forced to do so. The ghost haunting them was getting in their minds, that Theodore knew that the longer they stayed in the labyrinth with that ghost, they would go insane, so the first exit he saw, he grabbed Roman and dragged him to the exit of a large rock and then closed the labyrinth behind them. The two boys ran far away from the entrance, jumping on the uneven rock formations and eventually took refuge behind a cave-like arch.

"This is bad, this is bad," Roman whispered over and over again. "We lost Carina and we have no idea where we are!"

"We have to go back inside the labyrinth and find her," Theodore painfully said. He was tired and the last place he wanted to go now was inside that maze, but they needed to, to save Carina.

"We're not even sure if she's in that Arena!"

"IT'S THE ONLY LEAD WE HAVE!" Theodore grabbed a rock and threw it across the cave. He crumbled to the ground, raking his fingers through his hair. "This is my fault. Everything is my fault - I did this, I - I thought I knew I was doing, but I was wrong - I'm nothing but bloody arrogant son of Athena who thinks he could do everything better!"

Roman sat there and watched his friend wallow in anger, sadness, and shame. This was the first time he saw Theodore this low, since coming to Camp, Theodore was always that kid who kept his chin high, spoke with big words to belittle others - especially the children of Ares - he was sarcastic, and made sure to always know what was happening to be ahead of everyone. Theodore liked being in control. And right now, he had no control in the situation and this quest.

"Theodore," Roman grabbed him by his shoulders. "Calm down, we can... we can figure something out, we can save Carina. Calm down, we've been running in that labyrinth for so long without enough rest, we're tired and the stress is getting to us. So, calm down."

Theodore nodded and tried to calm his breathing. Roman got out some of his biscuits - luckily it lasted that long - and handed some to Theodore.

"You wait here, I'll try to find some fresh water to refill our containers," Roman patted him on the shoulder.

He did not wait for Theodore to reply and left to refill their waters. Roman climbed the rocky surface, looking for a fresh stream. He didn't need to think hard to know that they were in a cave in some mountain, he went on a couple of camping trips with his mother's boyfriend for some "guy time" and was quite well versed with the mountains... or maybe it was also because he spent half of his childhood in camp where they have to train to survive. Who knows?

Roman found the mouth of the cave. He was right, he was on a mountain, but something was different about it. Something was off. He could feel it right down to his demigod senses - which was deeper than his bones - but he continued on. He tried to look for a stream, he used his knife to carve some kind of mark on the trees for a trail back to the cave. And just as he found a stream, he heard something.

"I smell them!"

Roman hid behind a tree, clutching on the water bottles he brought with him, while his other hand held his celestial bronze knife.


"You need to get your nose checked!" Another spoke.

"I'm not lying, it's a demigod, I know it is."

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