~ IB: Malfoy and Black and Nott

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Draco Malfoy could never forget the first time he met each of the Bastards because each one was a memory that either humiliated him or got him to trouble. The first time he met Roman was at Hogwarts, right after he was Sorted to Slytherin, Roman was that cheerful fellow that did not follow Slytherin's elite and snobbish nature. He was smiling, not smirking. He greeted every new Slytherin that came. And how could he forget when they came to the dorm and saw Roman's cat, Lynx. The furless beast was always out to get him.

But before he met Roman, he met Carina. At the time he did not know of Carina Black, his parents still have not bothered to tell him of Sirius Black at the time and the man's daughter. He was eight years old then, his father brought him to the Ministry. While walking by the Atrium, he saw a little girl with short dark hair put into pigtails wearing bring Muggle clothes and an absurd looking backpack, jumping up and down as she held her father's hand.

Mudblood, he thought then. And like any other bully, the moment the girl was to walk past him, Draco stuck out his foot and tripped her. The girl crashed on the floor, startling her and her father.

"Carina, are you alright?" Tom gasped.

The girl, Carina got up said, "I'm fine," but her gaze was fixed at Draco who was snickering at the sight of her on the ground. Just as he was to leave with his father, Carina grabbed his robes and Draco fell on the ground. His face hitting the tiled floor. Enraged, Draco glared at Carina and before their fathers knew it the two eight-year-olds were wrestling on the ground.

"How dare you – you filthy Mudblood!" Draco cried out when Carina got him in a choke hold.

"Don't ever say that word!" Carina winced when Draco pulled on her pigtail.

"Let go of me!"

"Then say you're sorry!"

The two were separated by their fathers, Draco getting more of a harsh tug from Lucius while Tom carefully and protectively got Carina behind him. As their fathers argued and threatened one another, Draco looked at Carina, her clothes all disheveled, her pigtails tangled, her face scrunched up to a look of disgust as she blew a raspberry at his way. Draco was about to do the same, but his father grabbed him by the back of his neck and dragged him away. He got a long scolding for that ordeal, but it was also the night that Draco learned who the girl was – Carina Black. Sirius Black's bastard-daughter to a half-blood lover – Emmanuelle Goldstein.

Though his meeting with Carina was something he would always remember and find himself sighing whenever his brain would replay the event in his mind, it still has not beaten on how he felt when he met Theodore Nott.

He could clearly remember the day it happened. He was only six years old then. By that time, Draco already knew who the Notts were, or rather, what they were. His father never failed to educate him of the family everyday before he met them.

"Theodore Nott I," his father would always begin with the patriarch of the family. "Is someone who I work with at the Ministry, though he handles a more delicate part in the Department of Mysteries, he and the other scholars have been trying to understand the Veiled Arch. And he is someone you do not want as an enemy, and that goes on with his wife and son. Especially his wife.

"Sofia Nott is an Achillia, one of the most ancient and purest magical families in Greece. Nott was lucky to with her and her father's approval of marriage. Aside from the large dowry her father gave Nott, there is also the matter of her blood – rumor has it, Alcander Achillia has many lovers. Humans and nymphs. And there is a possibility that Sofia Nott is a half-breed."

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