+ What if: Harry Lived with Emmanuelle and Sirius? [Part 4.75]

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Emmanuelle could feel that something was wrong aside from the issue of Harry's vision of attacking Mr. Weasley in the Department of Mysteries. The moment when Harry and Carina appeared in Twelve Grimmauld Place with the Weasleys and Maisie, she noticed that the two kept away from each other, and both would do everything to avoid making a conversation with one another. At first she thought because they were both shaken with what has happened, but then come morning, when she asked Carina to wake Harry for breakfast, Maisie took the task immediately in an awkward interjection.

She knew siblings fought, and she knew best to just let it be and have them fix it themselves but when Harry left with the Weasleys to see Mr. Weasley, Carina did not bother saying goodbye to him as she decided to stay in, considering there was a limit in visitor numbers in St. Mungo's.

With the whole house to themselves, Emmanuelle asked Maisie to keep an eye on Deimos as she made her way to the room that Carina occupied in. She saw her daughter cleaning some of the cobwebs that were on the corners of the walls, dusting away, and arranging the bed that was left unmade.

"Can we talk for a moment?" Emmanuelle spoke, catching Carina's attention.

"Of course, Mum," Carina placed down the feather duster and joined her mother on the bed where the woman patted on the space. "Something wrong?"

"I should be asking you that. Sweetheart, what's wrong? You've been avoiding Harry like he's the bloody plague. Are you scared?"

Carina scoffed. "That's the last thing I'll ever feel towards him."

"Then what is it? Normally, I'd let you two deal with it on your own but with how things are, it's best that we are not fighting with each other... we can't let the same mistakes the destroyed the Order before do so again."

"It's nothing, Mum. Nothing concerning about the Order. Just Harry being annoying at school."

"Carina, at Hogwarts, you are the closest that Harry could get for family support. He needs that right now. You can't let a petty argument get in between you two –"

"Of course, you'd say that," Carina got up, rolling her eyes. "Ever since we were little it's always 'think about Harry', 'understand Harry', it's getting on my last nerve! I do something for myself and I'm being foolish and selfish."

Emmanuelle's brows knitted together in confusion as she watched her daughter pace around the room. The girl's jaw clenching and unclenching, much like her fists. "Carina, you know that that's not true, your father and I are always fair between you and Harry. We also tell him to always be there for you, to look out for you – "

"I saw the looks you all had when Roman and I mentioned Theodore Nott," Carina interrupted. "You never once had second thoughts when Harry had Ron and Hermione, but when I befriended someone from Slytherin you both have this look and you say these things of being careful around them."

"That's not true!" Emmanuelle got up from the bed. "We love Roman! We're glad that you're best friends with him. That you broke this stereotype that Slytherins and Gryffindors are these ancient enemies since the dawn of time!"

"Fine. Slytherins from pureblood family, then."

"Carina, you have to understand, Theodore Nott's father was someone your father and I faced during the war, and every time we do, we barely get out alive. So, to know that you're friends with a dangerous man's son is very unsettling."

"Theodore is not his father. He's far from it! He's so much more! Just because his father is a Death Eater doesn't mean he is, and it doesn't give Harry the right to threaten him at school!"

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