~IB: Along Came Viktor

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Theodore has worked in a Dragon Reserve for the past five years; a year in Romania, three in Norway, then one in the newly established Dragon Reserve in Scotland that he handled. There was a saying that his old mentor, Viktor Kholer, would say about dragon reserves, "No matter how long you have been working in one, there is always something that would surprise you." That was true, even when found the sight of chopped-off arms, burns, large scratches, and the necessity of chopping off an arm or a leg due to damages became usual to him, there were some things that would still surprise him. But not something like this.

Having a day off from work, Theodore decided to bring his family to the reserve and play at Alcander's Island, the former home of their chimera – who, they also brought along. He watched as his children, both a year old now, played on the sand with their mother, trying to build a sandcastle but ended up building a sandhill instead. He chuckled when Romulus happily patted on the sandhill, laughing, getting sand on his sister, Sofia. She did not appreciate getting sand in her mouth and was trying to spit it out.

"There's no doubt about it," Theodore chuckled as he took Sofia from Carina to clean the sand off of her face. "These two will be at each other's throats by the time they learn how to wrestle."

Carina chuckled. "Please, they already are. One time, I left them for a moment to get their food, and when I get back, I saw Sofia sitting on her brother, while Romulus tries to bite her leg."

"Then there was the time when I was sure they were cursing each other," Theodore added.

"Da!" Sofia turned to him with her arms stretched out.

Theodore smiled, he picked up his daughter and brought her close to his face then lets their nose brush at each other. Sofia giggled at the action, she grabbed her father's face and did it again. It was something that the father and daughter loved doing. Jealous, Romulus turned to their mother and placed a sloppy kiss on her cheek. Carina laughed heartily and wrapped her son in an embrace and kissed him repeatedly, making him laugh.

"There's no doubt about it, he's your son," Carina joked.

"What does that suppose to mean?" Theodore raised a brow. He puts down Sofia and lets her walk towards Alcander and Snuffles where she could pet them; she was later joined by her brother.

"Oh, nothing –"

Water suddenly splashed at her face, spitting out the few that got in her mouth, Carina glared at her husband who had his hands tucked in his swimming trousers, and a triumphant look on his face. Wiping her face, Carina then kicked sand at him, and in retaliation, Theodore waved his hand and had a wave take her from the shore and into the water, not too deep, just deep enough that the water would be up to her waist when she stands.

Theodore laughed at the sight of her recovering from the wave, with a couple magical water plants hanging off of her. Joining Theodore in his laughter were their children, who thought it was a game and started splashing each other with water, and at Alcander and Snuffles. Alcander used his tail and splashed a large wave at the twins, drenching them both. They were quiet for a time before they burst out laughing.

"Thank Merlin, you're the father of my children," Carina got up and went to grab the twins from the water.

"I see you're wearing that bikini," Theodore smirked as he saw what she wore under the beach dress.

"Don't even try – besides, it's the only one I got that still fits!"

Theodore smiled, he approached his wife, and after she placed down the twins on the picnic blanket, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the shoulder. "You're still and will always be the woman I fell I love with, no matter how much you change."

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