Δ PANIC! At Camp Half-Blood and Theodore Gets in Trouble

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"So, how long are you going to wear that cast?" Roman asked while doodling on the said cast with colorful sharpies. He was doing a fine job drawing one of Carina's favorite couple-heroes on her cast – Achilles and Patroclus – and was giving too much effort for something that would come off and be thrown away eventually.

Two weeks after their quest, the three best friends, Carina, Theodore, and Roman came back to camp, even though their parents were not too thrilled to say goodbye just after they returned after being missing for five months, but after experiencing a couple of monster attacks during their stay, their parents knew that it was better if they got an early start in summer. And as if they did not experience a grueling quest, the three friends went back to their lives in camp, hanging around in Roman's forge corner, testing, designing, talking, and eating.

"Will said that after a week, my leg would be all good," Carina replied. "Ow! Roman, seriously, stop leaning on my leg or I will spend the rest of my summer wearing this, and it's getting really itchy!"

"If you want me to draw a good picture of Achilles, I have to dive in!"

"Rome, no one asked you to draw on Carina's cast, you did it voluntarily," Theodore spoke and then took a sip of his tea.

"I can't really say that it's voluntary since Roman just came here with his rainbow-Sharpies and then grabbed my leg and started doodling," Carina crossed her arms over her chest.

"I have to say, Roman got Achilles down to the last detail," Theodore cocked his head to the side to see the art Roman was making. "Did you take an art class or something?"

"He did," Morgan arrived with a couple of sandwiches that he bought from the camp convenience store and handed it to everyone. "And is still part of the art club even after he trashed the whole room fighting off a gorgon."

"What can I say, I'm a genius!" Roman grinned.

Theodore raised his brow. "Daedalus is a genius."


"What? He built that bloody murder-maze that keeps on evolving and actually partook in making the cow-disguise that Pasiphae used to get pregnant with the huge Bull!"

Carina shuddered. "I am still not sure whether to see that story as creative or just plain creepy."

Theodore smirked. "Want me to read it again so you could have your judgement?"

"I think I heard enough hollow-bulls for the day," Carina grinned.

For a moment, Carina and Theodore's eyes met but they immediately shifted their gaze as they felt their faces turn red. Why wouldn't it be, they haven't talked about Carina's sudden goodbye kiss on the cheek, and though they wanted to talk about it, neither of them knew how to start the conversation. So, they decided to go back to their normal lives until one of them decided to talk about it, but it seems that it was taking a bit too long than expected.

Being the son of Aphrodite, Morgan could sense the romantic-tension between Carina and Theodore, and decided to end awkwardness. "By the way, aside from drawing the whole history of the gods on Carina's cast –"

"Wait, you were planning to do what?" Carina questioned.

"—didn't you say you planned on making Carina her new armor to accommodate her wings." When Morgan mentioned wings, he added the flapping hands for effect.

"Yes, but since her revelation, Carina hasn't sprouted wings since – done!" Roman returned Carina's leg back to its resting place and hid his Sharpies.

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