Scratched Out IB Plot Idea That I Wished I Put In

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Remember that post I made about the sub-plots and ideas for the IB series that I completely crossed out?

Well, I kept going back to my notes in Keep and have read over and over the The What If Regulus Black survived plot for the Inglorious Bastards, and realized that I should have put in the IB universe:

Well, I kept going back to my notes in Keep and have read over and over the The What If Regulus Black survived plot for the Inglorious Bastards, and realized that I should have put in the IB universe:

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1. Regulus survived his mission in the cave, but he did not leave unscatched. He got a limp at his right leg, a large scar at his face, and all over his body from fighting off the Inferi.

2. Went to hiding and also tried to clear Sirius' name.

3. Remembering Sirius telling about Carina, Regulus took it upon himself to look for her after the sudden disappearance of the girl after her mother's death. He found her living with her Aunt and Uncle, her cousin, and grandparents in Catchpole.

4. Regulus trained to become an Animagus to be closer to Carina, and transformed to an orange one-eyed cat.

5. Maisie founs Regulus as a cat in the neighborhood when she was only four and asked her parents to adopt him. She named him Fredrick Georgina I, after the Weasley twins. Regulus did not like it but could not argue.

6. Regulus was close to Maisie and Carina and promised to protect them. At first his protection applied only to Carina but he too developed a soft spot for Maisie.

7. Regulus would leave the room when the girls are changing. He hated it when Maisie would give him a bath.

8. When Carina learned about her parentage, she ran away and it was him who found her. As a cat.
9. The day Carina left for Hogwarts, he was there to witness it as a cat.

10. In PoA, Regulus remained a cat and would venture around to look for Sirius. He found out about Pettigrew being a rat and tried to kill him.

11. Regulus became Dumbledore's agent. But he never condoned Dumbledore's plans.

12. He wad told by Dumbledore to keep hiding and keep watch on Nott and Malfoy -- after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries , where Tom died.

13. Regulus approached Theodore and became his student. He and Theodore came to an understanding about their priorities. He also told Theodore about the Horcruxes.

14. Regulus only revealed himself to be alive in Deathly Hollows, he helped the DA hide. Roman almost fainted when he saw Regulus Black.

15. Reguljs revealed himself to Sirius and Carina, and everyone else before the Battle of Hogwarts, and explained to them a shorter version of his story.

16. Regulus survives the war, and he was told by Charity and Sirius to live with them in the estate.

17. After the war, Theodore and Regulus told his story, and his whole journey.

18. Regulus is still protrctive and close with Maisie. There are times when Maisie would slip and call him Fredrick, and he doesn't mind.

19. Regulus and Maisie have an inseparable bond.

20. He was one of the first to support Tarina/Tharina after seeing how Theodore would so anythinf to protect Carina.

21. Regulus decided to sell the Ancient House of Black, since it holds many bad memories, and simply bought a small house near the Estate to be with his family.

22. He gifted Carina and Maisie, and the twins a large sum of money from the Black family vault.

23. He is asexual

24. He would visit Tom's grave every day, to pay his respects and apologize for always tormenting him inHogwarts -- he was jealous that Sirius was close with Tom.

25. When Theodore built the dragon reserve, Regulus applied for a job there, and Theodore immediately took him in without having to apply. He works as one of the teachers in the school and teaches Transfiguration.

26. Though he claims to not have favorites, Regulus' favorite nephew is Theodore Regulus. For reasons: Theo was named after him, and they get along since they have many similarities.

27. Regulus is one of the teachers that taught Theo how to control his Legilimense

28. Regulus would occasionally visit Maisie to see how she was, and remind her to not over-work herself. He was also the one who cleaned up after her when she got drunk.

29. His limp would often hurt, so Charity or Maisie would give him sessions to heal it.

30. He and Theodore would definitely be sharing fire whiskey in the office, making Sirius jealous that his son-in-law and brother were closer that thet were.

Yeah, I should have let Regulus live, but whenever I would think about the plot of it the question "then what would Harold do?" would always come up, so I just let him stay dead. But Merlin, would it be fun for them if he wad alive. Imagine Regulus and Theodore talking about the Dark Lord in secret. They would have this teacher-student relationship.

Anyway, couldn't do anything about it now... Or can't I? Maybe I could -- possibly write a series of "What If" shorts here in this collection of IB shorts and crossovers, right? And maybe while I'm at it I'll write a huge what if Emmanuelle, James, and Lily were alive, and there was no rising Darkness because Tom Riddle was crushed by debris while watching Dumbledore and Grindlewand duel. Maybe. Just maybe.

Anyway, hope to hear from you guys. I love wiritng and expanding the IB Universe because the Bastards are my favorite characters from all the ones I made.

Stay strong
Stay safe

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