+ What if Regulus Black Survived? [Part 4]

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This is the last part of the WHAT IF: Regulus Black Survived?  This is just a collection of scenes of what happened after the Battle of Hogwarts, most came from the Butterbeer chapters.  Hope you enjoyed this whole WHAT IF, and I plan to write more, especially on those requests. If you have more alternate realities in mind for the Inglorious Bastard Multiverse, please do share it in the comment section or if you're shy go send me a message!

Stay strong!


"Well, make yourself comfortable, and don't hesitate to come and raid the kitchen," Charity lightly joked as she showed the temporary room that Regulus would be staying at in the Estate.

Regulus smiled at the woman's generosity and took his time looking around the large room that had a queen sized bed, a closet for his clothes, a table and bookshelf, and large windows. He couldn't remember the last time he was in his own room that had windows that let in the sunlight.

After the trial he faced, along with the Death Eaters, the Malfoys, and Theodore Nott, Regulus was given a pardon by Kingsley for his acts in the war – discovering about the Horcruxes, and helping the students in Hogwarts survive in hiding – and along with him that were pardoned were the Malfoys and, of course, Theodore Nott. Though it was a joyous occasion for all, there was one Wizengamot member who was not happy with the outcome – Aberama Gray. The man was keen on having all Death Eaters locked up in Azkaban with extreme prejudice – no matter if they have deflected from the cult of Dark Lord, or if they were forced to take the Mark for survival. Now, under temporary house arrest, Regulus stayed in Twelve Grimmauld Place. Sirius, Maisie, Carina, and Charity argued that he and Theodore should stay with them at the Estate, but the two men said that they had something to take care of in their respective homes.

While Theodore was stuck in his family manor, Regulus was in his old childhood home. During the time of the two weeks, he roamed the corridors of his old home, reminiscing the times he and Sirius spent in it. It was nostalgic to be inside the house he grew up in, but it brought more bad memories than good. That was why he did what he though of next, and with Sirius and Carina agreeing to it, Regulus started to strip the house to its core – he gathered all the silver, gold, and other treasures in the house and had it set in to five Gringgots vaults: himself, Sirius, Carina, Maisie, and for Charity and the twins. On the end of his house arrest, Kingsley came to remove the enchanted cuffs off of him, and before the man left, Regulus gave him a key.

"Are you sure about this?" Kingsley asked.

"Yes, this house holds nothing but bad memories for me and Sirius... and we both want to have a new start, and I think by selling it, we could do just that – I expect someone in the Ministry could handle the paper works and the transactions?" Regulus said.

Kingsley chuckled. "I'll have someone look into it... by the way, we're just about to head to Nott Manor to free Theodore Nott, would you like to join us?"

"No, I'm sure someone will pick him up later," Regulus smiled. "Besides, I have somewhere to be now. Let's go Kreacher."

"Yes, Master Regulus," Kreacher followed after him.

Arriving at the Goldstein Estate, Regulus was greeted by the entire family. It was the twins who first greeted him as Ethan and Elias were playing in the mud while their mother harvested some crops from the garden. Regulus was overjoyed to see the twins waddling towards him, and before they could fall and kiss the ground, he caught them. With the sound of his arrival, Maisie and the others came out of the house to greet Regulus. He was led inside the house – Kreacher was welcomed by Beanie and showed him a room where they would be sleeping in ("Former Master Goldstein made Beanie a room and gave Beanie a bed! Mistress Carina prepared your bed too!" Beanie showed the bed that was across from Beanie, while the former's bed had the name 'Beanie' carved on the bedframe, Kreacher's had the name 'Little Demon' on his).

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