Δ Cars Fly, and Theodore Turns Dumb (According to Clarisse)

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Theodore was never acquainted with family meals. Before he came to camp, the closest family meal he had with his father was in the manor's dining room where they both held a copy of the newspaper or a book, no words were exchanged, just eat and read. The next family dinner he had was not the ideal one that he would hear from the other campers where the whole family would sit down at a table, have the food placed at the center, each would have their plate and they would eat together, laugh, talk, because in camp, he wasn't even allowed to sit with his friends – Carina and Roman – since they were not allowed to sit in any other table. But he did get to sit with his siblings. Then, he met the Weasleys.

After looking around the house, Theodore was shocked to see that in a house like this there were nine members in the family – Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and then their seven children. And he thought Cabin 11 was overcrowded. Nonetheless, even though the family had little to offer, had little space, had enough food for themselves, Mrs. Weasley still gave them food, offered them seconds, had them borrow some of the clothes to change in, tried to get them to rest in one of her children's rooms, and treated Carina's injuries. It seems that the concept of an actual family was something he would not understand.

Maybe it was a demigod thing, he thought. But when he would look at Roman, he did not seem overwhelmed or alienated from the family setting. In fact, he was getting along with the older twins – Fred and George. Maybe it was just him?

"Now," Mrs. Weasley began. "Why don't you boys go upstairs and get some rest, Harry just called his mother and I'm sure they'll be here by tomorrow to pick you all up."

Theodore and Roman turned to each other, both unsure of the plan. Then they turned to where Carina was lying and saw her state. Though Mrs. Weasley did her best with the healing, and the nectar and ambrosia were kicking in, it was best to have Chiron or Will Solace check up on her. besides, Theodore was sure she just broke a leg.

"We appreciate the offer, Mrs. Weasley, but we really need to get going," Theodore spoke.

"But it's already dark outside! And you said it yourself, this camp you're going to won't be able to pick you up."

"Yes, but, we're on a tight schedule – we've already been gone for so long, I wouldn't even be surprised if they already think we're dead for how long we've been gone," Roman said.

"How long have you guys been gone anyway?" Ron asked.

"Four to five months," Theodore replied.

Ron choked on his juice.

"Wait, what date is it today?" Roman asked.

"April 27," Harry replied.

"Yeah, five months – we left camp around December 12."

"And where have you guys been?!" Ron exclaimed.

"In a labyrinth, running away from monsters, tracking down a psychopath former Head Counselor in our camp, scouting – you know, regular camp stuff."

Theodore kicked Roman's leg, making the boy wince in pain.

"The thing is, we need to get to camp as soon as we can – and it's also for Carina's sake," Theodore said.

"And how do you two plan to do that?" Mrs. Weasley raised a brow.

"I can fly Carina on the broom," Harry spoke. "I can take her to camp, I know where it is – we'd get there faster if we flew."

"And Theodore and I could take the bust," Roman added. "Don't worry, Mrs. Weasley, we're pretty used to this – seriously, it's the daily life of a demigod."

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