Ͽ Δ: Ilvermorny Massachusetts Student Exchange! P1

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Hello! As many of you know, this is a re-post/re-published chapter. I wrote this a few years ago after being hooked with Percy Jackson and the Bastards, and just wanted to see the two worlds in a story. I unpublished this short/novella because I wasn't sure on how to continue, but after looking back to it, I think I found the right approach for this fluff-crossover of the Black-Nott kids and the Percy Jackson characters.

Hope you like it!


It was normal for at least one of the Nott siblings to be called to the Headmistress’ office. Each one of them had their fair share of visit to see the Headmistress, and all with different reasons, but rarely for commendations or a medal. Unless Hogwarts decided to add mischief making and sneaking into the Restricted Section in the library as an award. But the reason why all four of the Nott siblings were called out of their classes was neither for awards nor the sticky webs that Romulus, James, Fred, and Viktor placed on the moving stairs so they could try to swing around. 

Theo was in his Care for Magical Creatures class when a Prefect came to excuse him from Hagrid. He, Albus, and Scorpius were busy learning about Nifflers, cute little things that managed to get Albus’ watch, and the boy has been trying to get it from the rodent. 

“I told you to hide your valuables,” Theo mocked as he handed some chocolate coins to the Niffler that rests on his head. The Niffler was more than happy to see the golden wrapper and grabbed it immediately. 

“I forgot, okay! Just help me!” Albus jumped on the Niffler but the little bugger was fast and he ended up crashing on the ground.

“Why should I? I’m enjoying your torment – this is grade A entertainment, right here!”

Scorpius laughed then handed the Niffler that was on his shoulder a shiny button. 

“I HATE YOU!” Albus exclaimed. “GOT YOU!” He had the Niffler in his grasp. “Now, give it back – don’t make me reach in there to get it!”

Theo sighed, he took the Niffler on his head and handed it to Scorpius. The Niffler was not too happy to be removed from his fluffy bed.

“Everyone!” Theo told to those around them. “Make sure to hold on to your Nifflers or there will be a problem, and if there is, make sure to blame Albus.”

“What are you planning?” Rose asked as she approached them with her own Niffler.

“Getting your cousin’s watch – it’s so valuable that he couldn’t take it off for a second.” Theo got out a chocolate coin to show to the Niffler, immediately, the Niffler made grabbing motions towards him. Theo grabbed the little rodent by the feet and hung it upside down then started tickling it. Mountains of gold and silver came out of the Niffler’s pocket – coins, bracelets, pendants, broaches, some diamonds, and other precious stones.

“Hagrid, where did you get these Nifflers?” Scorpius asked. “And where do you keep them?”

“Oh, I just keep em here, in the grounds, they like to roam around,” Hagrid happily answered.

“Either the Nifflers wandered a bit too far from Hogwarts or Hogwarts is sitting on priceless treasure.”

Theo started to shake the Niffler to get all the valuables out, so many valuables came out but still no watch. “Well, in Roman mythology, Pluto is the richest god because of his Realm – the Underworld – has lots of precious stones, gems, and gold – ha! Got it!” 

The watch fell out of the Niffler and Albus quickly hid it in his bag. As a reward, Theo gave the Niffler some sweets, and the Niffler happily took it and stuffed it in its pocket, then the small thing managed to get out of Theo’s hold and started hoarding the shiny things into his pocket once more. 

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