~ IB: In Which an Apprenticeship was Made Between Two Weasleys and a Black

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Growing up with three older brothers, with a new little sister... and Ron, Fred and George never really knew what to do or how to entertain a little girl. Sitting on the floor, five-year-old Fred and George wondered why the three-year-old girl, who was introduced to them as Carina Goldstein, was staring at them with her large gray eyes. Everywhere they went the girl's gaze followed them, and when they would disappear from her sight, she would call for them, mixing up their names saying, "Gred! Forge!". At first, they tried to ignore it but then she started to cry. Mrs. Weasley and the girl's mother, Charity Goldstein, tried to hush her cries by encouraging her to play with Ron or with the toys on the floor but she kept calling for the twins with their blended names. In the end, Mrs. Weasley called for them and said that they should play with little Carina.

For the past five minutes, since she stopped crying, Fred and George were confused to what the girl really wanted to do. She wasn't playing with them, even when they gave her the doll, all she does was look at them with wide eyes and following their movements.

"Look at this, Fred, she's mimicking me," George laughed. He turned his head to the side and just as he said the girl followed his movements.

Fred decided to mess with her, moving his head too fast to see if she could keep up, and she did but it made her a bit dizzy. Nonetheless, she giggled.

"Look, Mum, she's copying us," Fred and George laughed.

The sight of the twins playing with Carina, making her do what they were doing, suddenly had Mrs. Weasley rise from the couch and walk to the kitchen. While the twins did not notice, their two older brothers, Bill and Charlie heard their mother hold back a sob as she remembered the girl she would always babysit then, Emmanuelle, who died during the war. And was also Carina's mother. With Mrs. Weasley trying to stop her crying, Bill and Charlie went to Maisie and Ginny's side and kept watch on them. As they did though, even Bill and Charlie couldn't help but frown as they remembered their late friend and babysitter.

When George leaned down to further that his head was on the floor, Carina followed and came down with a thud. The twins gasped – including their brothers. That thud must have hurt the girl, but instead, she rose from the ground and giggled. That was not what they expected for her to do.

Holding out her hand, Carina pointed at Fred and said, "Gred!" then to George. "Forge!"

"No, Carina," Bill came to her side. "It's Fred and George."

The girl looked at him for a moment before facing the twins, grinning, and said, "Gred and Forge!"

Bill tried to correct her again, but the twins waved their brother off.

"She's right, Bill, I am Gred!" Fred spoke.

"And I'm Forge!" George added.

Carina walked towards the twins and then settled to sit on George's lap, her eyes landed on the toy the boy had in his pocket and quickly took it. Before Bill could tell her not to, the girl squeezed the squishy toy and immediately paint blew up at her and the twins' faces. And just like earlier, instead of crying, Carina was in a laughing fit, and joining her were the twins, Bill, Charlie, and little Ginny and Maisie. Percy sighed in annoyance that his reading was constantly getting disturbed with the noise, while Ron was near to tears after hearing that loud explosion and was covering his ears.

"What was that – Merlin's beard, what happened here?!" Mrs. Weasley came and gasped at the sight of pain covering the twins and the girl. She quickly got out her wand to clean up the mess before Carina could think of tasting the paint.

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