Δ When Two Worlds Collide

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Regulus has retired from his duties as Praetor for years now, but with his successful rule with his co-Praetor, his successors would seek counsel with him when it comes to decisions towards matters that are beyond their understanding. To say that he trained many of the Praetors that came after him was true, he taught them how to not only attack with a sword but also with words, which was important in the Senate, especially when dealing with overly ambitious people who seeks power and become conquerors.

Jason Grace was one of his own students. The young man has truly proven himself a good leader and the son of Jupiter, from raising the Fifth Cohort and becoming its Centurion, to becoming Praetor of the Twelfth Legion, and the battle against the Titans in Mt. Othrys, where he led the Twelfth Legion to destroy Kronos' throne, and defeat the Titan Krios. The boy was the ideal leader, but he had a fatal flaw, his temptation to deliberate everything. The boy had no solid path on what he wanted. The boy's hesitance was what Regulus cautioned him with.

"You must never show hesitation in the senate," Regulus once told him when Jason came to visit him in his office at New Rome University, where the man was a professor.

"It's not hesitation. I listen to both sides to give a fair judgement," said Jason.

"Which is good, but you yourself are unknown, Jason. Have a solid ground, don't rely too much on expectations. Know what you want. Bring this flaw to the battlefield and you will get yourself killed." Regulus sighed. "But, that doesn't mean there's nothing wrong about keeping an open mind, and listening to each side... but as I said, stand your ground, don't be like a leaf following where the wind blows."

"Understood," Jason nodded. "Thank you, sir."

But the boy has been missing. The last time Regulus saw him was when Jason visited him in his office after the battle at Mt. Othrys where Jason told him about what happened, and as a reward, Regulus gave him some of his favorite sweets and the two talked.

"Sir, I know that it's none of my business, but there have been rumors about you going east recently. Any reason?" Jason asked.

Regulus turned to his table where the new family photo was sent to him by Carina. It was taken in the hospital where Emmanuelle held her newborn son, Sirius was bent at the side, while Carina sat beside her mother, smiling at the camera.

"My brother," Regulus spoke.

Jason fell silent.

"It's alright... it's not something I hide, everyone knows about his exile... Sirius has a family, you see. They live in New York. And recently, his wife gave birth to their son." Regulus turned the photo to show to Jason the happy family.

"Then that means, they're legacies."


"When will they come here? And his daughter, she looks like my age – how come she's not here? She's a Legacy too –"

"It's complicated," Regulus hid the photo again. "But in time, you will understand... the winds are shifting once again."

With Jason missing, Reyna was the only one left to keep the Legion in line and to keep Octavian at bay. There were times when the girl would come to him for counsel, like her co-praetor, and Regulus would give it. But there was a problem, unlike Jason who could fight with both sword and words, Reyna was a born fighter in the field.

After receiving a letter from Carina about the disappearance of Percy Jackson, Regulus became concerned as it happened almost at the same time as Jason's disappearance. Bring with him a stuffed toy, Regulus climbed up to the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus where the Augur was. Octavian was a Legacy of Apollo, which meant they were related, but Regulus has never been fond of him nor has he ever acknowledged Octavian as a relative.

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