~ Black/IB: The Knocking on the Door

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This was the short that I made which inspired Black and Inglorious Bastards. I found it again (after going through old notebooks I used as a journal and to write down prompts/short stories), and I wanted to share it here (to make up for the lack of updates).

Also, this is no longer the original transcript, I edited it while I was encoding it, but the idea is the same.

***Emmanuelle's name came from the character of the Inglorious Bastards (which is my all time favorite movie). I just fell in love with the name.

Hope you enjoy


The skies were dark, and rain fell harshly to the ground

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The skies were dark, and rain fell harshly to the ground. There was no doubt that there was a minor flood at the bottom of the hill, and the river along the path was overflowing, making it dangerous for anyone to walk by or swim. Opposite to the cold winds and harsh weather, inside the cozy house, lit by the warm fire, a little girl wearing her favorite jumper had her forehead and hands pressed against the window, her bottom lip forming a pout as she watched the storm continue to ruin a supposed perfect day. To a child every day was supposed to be a perfect day – all blue skies and sun where they could play outside... well, that is if that child was like Carina.

"Can we go outside, please?" Carina begged, her breath fogging up the glass. "I could wear my raincoat and my boots! And I promise that I will drink that icky medicine if I have too."

Sirius carried the girl from the window, tucking her under his arm like a dog carrying his pup.

"Nope, you just got better from a cold, young lady," he said and plopped on the carpeted floor and placed her beside him. Without having to stretch out, he reached for the guitar from the stand and started tuning the instrument. "So, no playing in the rain."

Carina pouted and slumped with her head on her palm. Sirius laughed at his daughter's dramatic reaction and messed with her hair. Once he had the guitar tuned, he started playing random rifts, plucking the strings to play a familiar song that she knew, and as planned, she started humming to it. Though she refuses to show that she was happy with being trapped inside.

Coming from the kitchen with three mugs of hot cocoa, Emmanuelle joined the father and daughter on the floor. The cups floated to the coffee table, and with her free hands, she lifted Carina from the ground and had her sit on her lap. Carina smiled when Emmanuelle wrapped her in a smothering embrace.

"Is Da going to play?" Emmanuelle asked.

"No, I'm going to cook with a guitar – of course, I'm going to play, Nuelle, what do you think?" Sirius teased.

"Yeah, Mum, what do you think?" Carina giggled.

Emmanuelle pinched Carina's nose. "You're still too young to start sassing me, young lady."

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