At the Club

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A burden. Lately, Mia have gotten acquainted with that feeling when your body keeps reminding you how you are. She wishes she can escape it but it is difficult. Mia was stupefied when she learned from her doctor on one of her schedules with him that she has a brain tumor and that it will completely alter her health it was then clearer to her why the constant headaches, dizziness and loss of appetite. As weeks were passing, she realized that she was now becoming slim, she looked hideous sometimes when she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her lips are always parched, she'd rub them with lip gloss a few times and still, they were getting darker. Her cheeks which were chubby were now flat and her eyes always seemed sombre. Strands of her hair would roll off her head dropping like grains of sand on her shoulders.

Jansen, her husband nowadays do not wait to have breakfast with her, he'd always leave to his office before she wakes up and when he arrives home at night, he arrives late at the time when she is already fast asleep. Mia noticed that he feels irritated looking at her face unless she's wearing a make over and is in a dazzling wig.

Two months ago, on a hot and radiant Thursday afternoon. Mia was sitting on the couch in the sitting room, her legs were stretched to the edge. She looked at Jansen striding across the room in a luminous blue suit, and he was wearing a pair of flashy black shoes. He was offered an invitation from his Boss to attend a ball at his resort.

Jansen grabbed his car keys seated on the table and he swerved to her "I gotta go hon." He approached her and pecked her on her forehead and she touched his arm, "I wanna....I wanna go with you. It's been quite a long time I came with you to an event."

She noticed his eye brows furrowing, "no need for you to come."

"But, why? Other husbands' wives are going to be there with them."

"It'd be better you stayed home and rest." He swerved from her and he was almost walking away she grasped his arm and he hung back.

"But I wanna come with you." She insisted. She really wanted to be besides him at the party. Thinking of the moments that they've danced, shared glasses of drinks and chatted at the numerous events they've gone to, she felt so elated to experience such feeling again even if the event is going to last for a few hours.

Jansen sighed and he was almost fuming, "no, you can't go. Take a look at yourself in the mirror, you look so pale and fragile. And, your cute dresses no longer fits you anymore. Other men's wives are gonna be looking exquisite, I don't want you embarrassing me looking like a maid. What if you get stressed and collapse?"

She tried to fight back the tears building in her eyes, "I am just ill I am not ugly. I just wanna be beside my husband and you do not spend much time with me." She fired back.

"Taking you with me to the ball's just gonna make you a burden to me. I can't keep an eye on you each minute."

"So you're embarrassed and ashamed of me?" She gulped down her tears.

Jansen's eyes drooped feeling awful seeing her disconsolate, he grazed her cheek and looked into her eyes, he was feeling irritated staring into them and he wore a fake smile, "no I'm not hon. I can't take you out with me just yet not today. Moreover you seem fagged you will feel stressed."

"It's what you tell me all the time, " Mia yelled, "not yet, not today anytime I ask you to take me out. I am your wife and you're already feeling bored of me? I feel disappointed cause anytime I keep hoping and waiting for you to ask me to go out with you, you do not hesitate not to. I wish I do not anticipate at all but is it wrong of me to anticipate? Is it wrong of me to wish to dine with you or dance with you at an event? I have that right right? Since I'm your wife but you keep making me feel I am wrong." She kneaded her jowls and sniffed.

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