Grudge (Continuation to Rebound)

Start from the beginning

He wished it were that simple. He wished all the trauma he built up from that experienced he could just unlearn.

"I see," Cody inhales, defensive. "So you really are nothing without leeching off a man, like I first thought."

"Oh yeah, because it was you who got him into that prestigious university, on full scholarship, by the way, where you guys met," Jungkook bites before Jimin's heart can even drop to his stomach. "And it was me that gave him the brain that helped him graduate earlier than most of his class. And it was me that landed him that well-paying job that supported us both while I finished school. Jimin is the smartest, kindest, most successful man I've ever known, Cody. You had your chance with him, and because you couldn't control your dick, you lost it. That was your fault. Jimin is his own person, and he can fend for himself, but I will not let you speak to my husband that way. Are we clear?"

Cody says nothing.

"If you ever see Jimin or I, or any of his friends you once knew after this, you better walk away," Jungkook threatens. "Or Jimin and I will file restraining orders against you. No one deserves to be harassed or mistreated like this. If you have one percent of the intelligence Jimin has, I think you'll make the right decision."

Cody simply has nothing to respond to that. He has been rendered speechless.

"Goodbye Cody," Jimin says after a second, voice stern. "You've already wasted two years of my life, stop wasting even more."

Cody grimaces. "I'll get you back someday Jimin. I know you miss me."

"I'm not an NPC you can win over," He counters. "Goodbye Cody."

"...This isn't over Jimin," Is the last thing he says before he walks away.

For a second Jimin just stands there as he tries to take a deep breath. Once he knows Cody is gone, he whispers, "Remember that park a few blocks away where we had that picnic once? The fairly empty one? Can we go there?"

"Yes, of course!" Jungkook quickly leads him there, arm still around his waist.

They arrive, and there's no one there, just like usual. They're barely a few steps in before Jimin hugs Jungkook tight, just sobbing.

"I know," Jungkook comforts. "I know. You did so good Jimin. I'm proud of you."

"I-I feel like I'm breaking all over again," He shakes.

"But you're not," He assures. "This was hard, but you stood your ground. You are in a much healthier spot than you were when you last saw him, and your worth is not tied to his opinion."

"I know," He sighs through tears. The verbal reminders did help. Jungkook was just his comfort person. "But this just reminded me of everything."

"I get it," He soothes. "Would you like me to go with you to your therapy session this week to help you talk about it?"

"No," The smaller shakes his head, pulling back. "I'm so glad I have you for support, but I need to make sure my self-worth isn't dependent on someone else. And I really think I'll be able to get through it on my own, I'm going to really try."

"There's the strong Jimin I've always known, and always loved," Jungkook kisses him. "And I will always be here to support you. New offer. You want me to invite Tae and Namjoon over for a 'we love Jimin' night, where we watch a bunch of movies and eat all your favorite snacks?"

"Well, don't call it that, but," Jimin nods. Namjoon has become one of his closest friends too.

"Awesome," Jimin squeezes him tight once more. "Keep talking to me when you feel you need to talk. Don't keep things inside."

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