Chapter 77

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The sound of a drill caused me to stir in my sleep. I shifted to my back, and felt something tickle my nose. I flicked my hand at my nose, and felt something run onto my hand. I opened my eyes, and let out a scream as I saw a giant black spider on my hand. 

I flung myself out of bed screaming like I'd just been murdered. I hated spiders. The bedroom door swung open, and a panicked Eddie ran into the room. He looked down at me on the floor as I waved my hand around while screaming. 

"What's wrong?" Eddie asked, and I looked up at him. 

"There's a huge spider!" I told him, and he ran a hand through his hair. 

"I thought you were dying." Eddie said, and held a hand out for me to take. 

"I almost did! The spider is huge!" I told him, and grabbed his hand. He helped me up, and stared down at my face. My heart beat quickly in my chest as I stared in his eyes. Eddie's hand gently rested on my cheek, and I closed my eyes for a second feeling myself calm down at his touch. 

"I'm sorry for everything, Julie." Eddie said breaking the silence that came over to us, "I'm sorry for being an asshole. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for not being here. I didn't mean to hurt you, and everyone else." 

"Eddie." I began, but he shook his head. 

"No. I am at fault, and I shouldn't let someone like my old man to have a hold on my life like that. I was furious at him. At myself, and I was just blinded by it." Eddie told me as he removed his hand from my cheek. His eyes closed, and I could see a tear slip down his cheek. "I'm a piece of shit. I pushed you away, and poor sweet Joanna. I just... I'll never forgive myself for avoiding her like that..." 

"Eddie, stop." I told him, and I wrapped my arms around him. I rested my head on his chest, and he slowly wrapped his arms around me. "You're not a piece of shit. Just don't push me away next time, okay? I am here for you." 

"I won't." Eddie said and kissed the top of my head. 

"Good, because I will kick your ass next time." I told him, and his chest vibrated as he chuckled. 

We pulled away from the hug, and I looked at the clock on the nightstand. It was two in the afternoon. I slept for a good few hours. The two of us walked out of the bedroom, and I went straight to the bathroom. 

When I walked into the kitchen, Wayne was putting in a new window with the help of someone, and Eddie. Joanna was in her bouncy chair watching them while chewing on a teething ring. "Did you manage to find Dio?" I asked Eddie as Wayne secured the new window. 

"No, he wouldn't come when I called for him." Eddie told me, and I frowned, "But don't worry, we'll find him." 

"I'll go see if I can get him." I told Eddie, "You good with keeping Joanna in here?" 

"Yeah, she's been very helpful." He chuckled looking at Joanna who grinned at him. She was happy to be with him. I walked out of the kitchen, and grabbed my shoes so I could go outside. It was a nice summer day. Birds were chirping, and a lot of the neighbors were outside enjoying the weather. 

I walked around the front yard calling out for Dio, but to no avail, Dio would not come. A sigh left my lips as I looked around in the near by bushes. I didn't see Dio, but there was something in the bushes. I pulled back, and got on my knees to get a better reach. It looked plastic, and small. Almost passed it, but it was a bright red. 

My finger tips brushed against the item, and I let out a frustrated sigh. "Stupid tiny arms." I muttered, and crawled closer to the bush. I ignored the small scratches of the limbs against my face as I blindly reached for the item. Feeling my hand around it, I pulled back, and sat on the ground. 

"You are getting a trim." I muttered to the bush as I looked at the item in my hand. It was a broken keychain to the motel in town. Odd since neither Eddie, or I have been to the motel since getting the house. Could the intruder have dropped it? 

Standing up, I looked around the yard for any sign of Dio, but there was nothing. Maybe I should make some missing posters. Was it too early for that? It's not even been twenty-four hours. Maybe if I leave some food out on the porch, he'll return when he's hungry. 

"Any lucky?" Eddie asked as I walked back into the house. 

"Nope. I'm going to put some food out for him, but I did find something." I told Eddie as I walked into the kitchen. Eddie was sweeping up, while Wayne, and his friend put away their tools. The new window was finished being installed. 

"What did you find?" Eddie asked. 

"A keychain to the motel in a bush outside." I said holding it up, "I think our visitor from last night had dropped it." 

Wayne, his friend, and Eddie looked at the keychain in my hand. Wayne walked over, and I handed him the keychain. He looked it over, and shook his head. "That son of a bitch." Wayne muttered angrily. 

"What is it?" Both Eddie, and I asked him. 

"Paul is staying at this motel." Wayne told us, and instantly Eddie looked like he was ready to kill. I felt anger as well. Has Paul Munson been the one terrorizing us with these break ins? 

"I'm kicking his ass." Eddie said angrily through gritted teeth, and Wayne turned to him. 

"No. We'll call the police, and let them handle it." Wayne told Eddie. 

"The police won't do shit, Wayne!" Eddie shouted angrily. 

"Don't go raising your voice at me. We have to do this the legal way, Eddie." Wayne told him, and Eddie looked away. Joanna let out a small whimper from Eddie shouting. I held her close to me, and rubbed her back to calm her down. 

"I'm sorry." Eddie told Wayne, and I walked out of the kitchen. Joanna was getting more upset being in there. Wayne called Hopper for us as I tried to calm Joanna down. Eddie walked into the living room, and sat down next to me. 

"I'm sorry for shouting, Joanna." Eddie apologized to her, and picked her up from my arms. He hugged her to him, and began to hum a metallica song. It began to calm her, and I couldn't help, but laugh. Of course Metallica calmed her down. She was so much like Eddie. 

"She is so your twin." I told Eddie, and he grinned. 

"You think so?" He asked. 

"I know so." I told him, and watched him rock Joanna slightly. 

Wayne's friend, Ralph left after he packed up his tools. I thanked him for helping, and even offered to pay him for his work, but wouldn't take my money. He said he owed Wayne anyway, and told Wayne they should get together for a fishing trip later. 

Us Against the World ★ Eddie Munsonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن