Chapter 43

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The day after the bar fight with Jason, Eddie refused to press assault charges against him. I didn't understand why, but he explained that it would make Jason's followers upset, and they could attack him. 

Jason seemed to have learned his lesson, and began to leave Eddie alone as the days went by. Two weeks after the attack, Eddie and I decided to go to the doctor to get a check-up on the baby. We went to the next town over to hide it.  The baby, and everything was okay. I was two months, and one week into the pregnancy. When I saw the little photo of the baby, I began to cry tears of joy. Eddie even shed a few tears. We got a print out of the photo, and went home. 

Time went on during the summer. Eddie, and I had been looking at houses. Touring a few, and going over what we wanted in a place. Wayne told us, it was okay to get a two bedroom place if it was a better option. He was planning on renting out a place later on, because he didn't want to be a burden. We were just starting out, and deserved privacy. I tried to assure him, he would not be a burden, but he would not listen. 

Since the night at the Hideout, Eddie and the Corroded Coffin kept going back every Tuesday to play. The party and I would attend at times to watch the band. 

When June came, Dustin went off to summer camp for the month. It was quiet around the house. My dad was still sneaking off to who knows where. Mom never expected anything. As the days went by, my stomach began to grow slightly more. It wasn't huge, and looked like I had gained a few extra pounds. I could still hide it from my parents with large shirts. 

In July, Dustin returned from camp. He shared many stories he had about the place. He made some new friends, and saw Suzie again. They were still dating, and it was so cute. He really loved her. Eddie also began a new summer campaign with everyone who was in Hellfire Club. We even managed to drag Steve into it, though he had issues learning it. Robin opted out, but did watch us play. She loved to make fun of Steve when he got a bad roll. 

Eddie and I had decided on a house. It was a two bedroom house, with a basement. It had some work that was needed done, but Wayne knew some guys. It was a cheaper option that would allow us to use the extra cash to get some cheap furniture.

Eddie's Mom tried to get Eddie to give her some of the cash, but he didn't. So instead Rita left to move in with some guy. Eddie didn't seem to care too much. In fact, he was happy to have her out of his hair. 

"Julie." Mom called out excitedly from the kitchen one morning during the middle of July. 

"Yeah?" I asked her. I had been packing my room up since, any day now Eddie and I would have the keys to the house. 

Mom held up a letter unopened. She was grinning excitedly. "Your letter from the college has come!" She told me. I rushed over to her, and took the letter. I looked down at it, and felt my heartbeat quickly. 

I began to open the envelope, and pulled out the letter. My hands shook lightly as I read over it. I grinned seeing that I was accepted into the school. "Well?" Mom asked me as her hands came up to her face. She was dying to know. 

"I'm accepted!" I told her, and she threw her arms around my shoulders. 

"My baby girl is going to college! Oh I am so happy!" Mom told me, "You're going to college, and moving out now. Oh where has the time gone?" She began to cry into my shoulder. 

"I'm still your babygirl, Mom. I'll be around still." I told her, "You can't get rid of me that easily."

"If it was up to me, you be staying here forever." She laughed, and pulled back from the hug. She wiped her tears away, and looked at me with a proud look on her face. I couldn't help, but tear up a bit. Time has felt like it was moving so fast. Just yesterday, I could remember going to school for the first time, and look at me now. About to go to college in September. 

"You still have Dustin."  I told her. 

"In three years he will be going off to college too." She said, sounding sad, "I am not ready for my babies to grow up." 

"It'll be okay, Mom." I told her. 

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