Chapter 65

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Three days. It was three days until Eddie would be back in Hawkins. He had not called since the night of the party the other day. I really hoped he was okay. I tried not to worry, but I just couldn't stop myself. I tried to be busy at work, but with it being a weekday... it had gone by so much slower. 

Today I decided to go back home with Joanna after work. Nothing odd has been happening at the house since the night I found all the doors open. Wayne still offered to stay at the house, and would sleep on the couch. 

"Heard from Steve any?" I asked Robin during our lunch break as we sat outside on the sidewalk. 

"No. He's been radio silent." Robin told me, and bit into her sandwich, "Have you heard from Eddie?" 

"Not since the party. Do you think something happened?" I asked her, and took a sip of my sprite. 

"If something did happen, I think we would have heard from one of Eddie's friends. Right?" Robin asked looking at me, and I nodded my head. 

"Yeah. Gareth, Jeff or Todd would have called." I told her. 

"It'll be okay, Julie. Three more days till they are home." Robin told me, "And if you need help kicking ass, I am your girl." I laughed a little, and ate my lunch. "What are you doing after work?" 

"I got to get some groceries, and then pick up Joanna. We're going to be staying at the house tonight." I told her, and she nodded her head. 

"Maybe tomorrow we can catch a movie?" Robin suggested. 

"I got to pick up Dustin, but afterwards, sure." I said smiling, "Vickie can come too." 

"You don't mind being a third wheel?" Robin asked in a whisper. 

"Just three friends hanging out." I said giving her a wink. I didn't care if I was a third wheel. I know they couldn't go on actual dates without being judged. With a third person it wouldn't be too suspicious.

After our lunch break, Robin, and I got back to work. Time moved so slowly that sometimes it felt like it was frozen. Thursdays were never fun. When work was over, I left for the store. I pushed a cart around the store looking at the shelves. 

I grabbed some coffee that I knew Wayne liked, along with another box of honeycombs. I pushed the cart to the bread aisle, and looked at all of the options. "Good evening, Julie." Wesley spoke coming down the aisle with his own cart. I looked over, and smiled at him. It's been a few days since I've last seen him jogging by. 

"Good evening, Wesley." I greeted him, "Getting groceries?" 

"Yeah." He said, "I couldn't help notice a truck has been outside your house lately. I like to jog around town." 

"Oh yeah. That's my father-in-law." I explained, "He's been watching the place for me." 

"You've been out of town?" He asked. 

"No. Just been visiting my mother." I told him, and he nodded his head. Wesley grabbed a loaf of bread, and put it in his own cart. 

"Well I best leave you to your shopping. See ya around, Julie." Wesley said, and walked away with his cart. 

"See ya." I said, and looked back at the bread. I grabbed a loaf, and left the aisle. I picked up a few meals, and some things for the house, before I checked out. I drove to the Wheelers, and picked up Joanna. Nancy had been watching her for me while Karen was out with Holly, and Mike. 

"Thank you, Nancy." I told her. 

"You're welcome, Julie." Nancy told me, "Um, this might sound odd, but do you know where Steve is?" 

"Uh, yeah. He's in Ohio with Eddie. Why?" I asked her. 

"Ohio? He went with Eddie?" Nancy asked, and I nodded my head, "It's just the other night, Steve called me drunk. He spilled his feelings for me. Then he went on to say he met Madonna?" 

I let out a sigh. Poor Steve. "Yeah there was a party the other night. The Madonna thing was just someone who looked like her. Robin got the same call minus the feelings bit." I told her, and she nodded her head. "He probably didn't mean to do that." 

"Yeah. He was pretty out of it." Nancy told me, and I nodded my head, "Well if you need someone to watch Joanna again, just give me a call. I don't go back to school till September." 

"Thank you, Nance." I said, and went to my car with Joanna. The drive home was quick. I first took Joanna inside the house. After making sure the place was safe, I placed her in her chair, and brought my groceries back inside. 

When the food was put away, I decided to do some cleaning around the house even though it wasn't filthy. It stayed so much cleaner without Eddie being around. I even tidy his cassette tapes in alphabetical order. No doubt he would complain when he notices it. 

I played Dio on the stereo as I mopped the kitchen. Rainbow in the Dark filled the house. It almost felt like Eddie was home. Almost. 

That night during dinner, I waited for the phone to ring, but it never did. "Please be alive, Eddie." I muttered. Later that night as Joanna slept, Wayne came home from work. His boss had let him change to day shift after explaining my situation. It was only temporary. 

The next day I woke up early to go get Dustin from camp. Joanna sat in the back taking a nap. I pulled up to Hawkins High where he was dropped off at by the camp bus. "Hey Dusty." I greeted him as he got into the car. 

"Hey." He said sounding sad. I frowned, and looked at him. 

"Missing your girlfriend?" I asked him, and he shook his head. Tears came to his eyes, and I frowned. I placed my hand on his shoulder, and he looked at me. 

"Suzie broke up with me." He sniffled. 

"Oh Dustin." I said frowning, and pulled him into a hug, "It's okay to cry." 

Dustin hugged me, and cried in our awkward angle hug. I rubbed his back as he let it all out. When he had calmed down, I began to drive away from Hawkin's High. "Want to talk about it?" I asked him. 

"No." He said sniffling. He wiped the tears from his face. 

"Okay." I told him. 

"Can you take me to Steve?" Dustin asked. 

"I'm sorry, Dustin, but Steve is in Ohio right now." I told him. 

"What is he doing in Ohio?" Dustin asked me, "What about Eddie then?" 

"Eddie is also in Ohio. They've been gone since the 22nd for a Battle of the Bands. Corroded Coffin got invited to it. Today is the last day, and tomorrow. Hopefully they both will be back in Hawkins." I explained. 

"Battle of the Bands?" Dustin asked with his eyes going wide. 

"Yep. Big rock event." I told him with a smile coming to my face, "I'm really proud of them." 

"That is so cool. I'm surprised you didn't go." Dustin told me. 

"Well I couldn't leave Joanna behind." I told him. Dustin looked in the back seat, and smiled at his niece. 

"She's gotten so big." Dustin said. 

"She even said her first word. Da da." I told him. 

"Already? Does Eddie know?" Dustin asked, and I nodded my head. 

"He was there when she said it. He was happy." I said, and turned down my street, "Listen I'm probably going to the movies with Robin, and Vickie tonight. Would you like to come?" 

"Would Robin be okay with that?" Dustin asked. 

"Why wouldn't she be?" I asked him. 

"I don't know. I don't think she likes me much." Dustin said, and I rolled my eyes. 

"She loves you, Dustin." I told him. 

"Okay." Dustin said as I parked the car in my driveway. 

When night came the phone remained silent. Eddie had still  not called since the night before the party. Why has he not called me yet? I let out a sigh, and left for the movies with Dustin. Wayne was at the house, and was going to watch Joanna for me. 

The movie Robin, and Vickie had picked was a comedy. It was an okay movie in the end, but would not be in my top ten. When it was over, Dustin, and I went home after bidding a good night to Robin, and Vickie. 

"It's quiet without Eddie." Dustin said walking into the house. 

"It is, but tomorrow he will be back." I told him. 

"Can't wait to see him, and Steve. I missed them." Dustin said.

"Shh." I said placing a finger on my lips. I pointed to the couch seeing Wayne asleep with Joanna on his chest. Both of them were knocked out, and snoring up a storm. I locked the door behind me. Dustin walked into the kitchen, and went to my fridge. 

"Can I have a beer?" Dustin asked, and I stared at him. He gave me a grin. "Just kidding." He said, and took a soda. 

"You better be joking, Dustin Henderson." I told him, and he went to the table. 

"Can I stay the night?" Dustin asked me, and I nodded my head. 

"Of course. Just be sure to call Mom." I told him, "Now I'm going to go get a blanket for Wayne. You can sleep on the floor, or in my bed with me." 

"Okay." Dustin said, and I walked off to the basement when the extra blankets were at. 

A cool chill filled the basement as I walked down the stairs. Ever since the night of the storm I've had a creepy feeling down there. A feeling I couldn't shake off. I grabbed a blanket, and walked up the stairs quickly. "Julie..." I heard my name in a whisper as I walked up the creaky stairs. I shook my head ignoring it. 

I walked to the living room, and placed a blanket over Wayne. I picked up Joanna carefully to not disturb them both. Dustin had already gone to my room, and went to bed. I put Joanna in her crib, and went to my room. 

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