Chapter 57

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The glove compartment fell open as I frantically went to grab the walkie talkie. I pulled out the antenna, and pressed the button. "Hello? Anyone there?" I asked into it as I looked around the parking lot worriedly. After seeing the flickering light in the hallway of the dorm rooms, I ran out of the building. It wasn't sitting right in the pit of my stomach. All I knew, I had to get out of there.

"Hello? Dustin? Steve? Lucas? Robin?" I listed off the names, "Anybody?"

Only silence met my ears. Shit.

"You okay, Julie?" Daniel asked as he stopped by my car.

"I'm fine." I told him, and pushed the antenna down. I tossed it into the passenger seat. "I have to go."

"Wait. Are you sure?" Daniel asked, "I saw you run out of the dorm rooms, and got worried."

"I said, I am fine. I just saw a giant spider, and freaked out." I told him, and then got into my car. I shut the door ignoring whatever else he had to say. Daniel watched me as I started my car, and drove away from the parking lot.

My mind was racing over the moment in the hallway. That couldn't have been Vecna right? All thoughts went to him. Maybe it was another demogorgon? But wouldn't all the lights be freaking out?

Was Vecna planning to hurt people at college now since he couldn't finish with the high school? Or was he after me? My heart raced at the thought he could be after me, or anyone really. Was Victoria safe? Could he have gotten her already? Was that why she didn't answer the door?

"Oh god." I breathed out as I reached town. Family Video store came in to my line of sight, and I sped up. Reaching the store, I got out of my car quickly, and shut the door.

The store didn't seem too packed today since it was a week day. I walked through the front door, and looked around. Robin was sweeping the floor with a pair of headphones on. Steve was flirting with someone as usual, and Eddie was writing in a notebook at the counter.

Eddie was so focused on writing that he didn't notice I had entered the shop. I could see some small doodles on his arm. Something that he did in school when he was bored, and continued to do. I walked over to the counter, and Eddie looked up. When his eyes landed on me, his face brightened. A smile came to his lips for a short second, until he saw the slight distress look on my face. He knew instantly something was wrong.

"Jules?" He asked as I walked over to the counter. I walked around the counter, and wrapped my arms around him. I was scared, and just wanted to hug him. "You're scaring me here, what's wrong?"

"Back room. I need speak with everyone." I told him, and he nodded his head.

"Steve, grab Buckley. Back room meeting." Eddie said loudly to Steve.

Steve looked at him annoyed, but when he saw me the look faded into one of concern. He apologized to the woman, and gave her his number. Eddie pulled me lightly to the back room, and we waited for Robin, and Steve to come. It didn't take long for them to join us.

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