Chapter 32

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AN: Been working on a new cover for the story. Hope you all like it :) Not sure why the title is very blury on it. I decided to go with Emily Rudd's face for Julie. Loved her in Fear Street.


Entering the house, everything was silent as I looked around. Dad wasn't in the living room. The house smelled like bleach and roses. Mom must have cleaned the whole house. Seeing no one around, Eddie and I walked to my room. I dropped my bag onto the floor and plopped onto my bed.

Eddie stood in my room and looked around. He walked over to my shelf that had a collection of stuff animals on it. He picked up the penguin he had won for me, and smiled at it. "Did not take you for someone to collect stuff animals." Eddie told me, and I laughed a little.

"Well it's a secret hobby." I told him, and began to think about my grandmother, "My grandmother before she passed away, would always get me a stuff animal for Christmas and my birthday. After a while, it became a collection. I still try to get myself one each Christmas, and birthday in her memory."

"That is so sweet and cute." Eddie said, and put the Penguin back onto the shelf. I heard my mother's room door open. Eddie looked at me as I looked at him. Someone passed by my room without checking so I stood up and poked my head out. I could hear the fridge door open and closed.

Was it Mom? I walked out of my room, and went to check it out. Eddie stood in my room, not sure if he should follow or not. I entered the kitchen and instantly regretted it seeing my father in a robe drinking a glass of water. He looked at me and put the cup into the sink.

"Oh didn't hear you or Dustin get home." Dad said.

"Dustin's at Mike for a science project." I explained, "I thought you might have been mom."

"Oh she's in the bedroom." Dad told me and quickly added, "But she's busy at the moment"

"Okay." I said quickly, not wanting to know, "Uh just finish up with whatever you two are doing."

I left the kitchen and went straight to my room. I shut the door and let out a sigh as Eddie looked at me. "Just gonna keep that shut for a bit. My parents are... well busy at the moment." I told him, and he understood what I meant. He stood up and went over to my stereo.

Eddie began to dig through my cassette tapes. He picked one and placed it into my player. Turning the volume to a comfortable place, he pressed play. Joan Jett began to play. He sat down on the bed and looked up at me. "Shall we be responsible for once, and do some schoolwork?" Eddie asked me and I nodded my head. I sat on the bed with him and began to help him with his work.

After twenty minutes a knock came to my door. I looked up from reading Eddie's work, and got off of my bed. I opened the door and saw my mom standing there. She looked over at my bed and saw Eddie.

"Oh! I didn't know he was here already!" Mom said, looking surprised.

"Uh, yeah." I said, glancing at Eddie, "I was, uh gonna tell you, but you, and dad were busy..."

"I'm so sorry." She told me, and walked into my room, "It's good to see you, Eddie."

"It's good to see you too, Mrs. Henderson." Eddie said standing up.

"What were you two doing in here?" Mom asked, and I held up Eddie's paper.

"School work."I told her, "Eddie missed a lot of work, so he has to catch up before graduating."

"You poor thing." Mom told him, frowning, "It's a shame that happened. I knew you didn't do it."

Eddie looked at her and shifted a bit awkwardly. "Mom." I muttered, and she looked at me.

Us Against the World ★ Eddie Munsonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن