Chapter 10

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When the final bell rung for the day, I rushed to my locker. I placed my books away and left for the parking lot. I stood by Eddie's van waiting for him to appear. I waved at Dustin seeing him leave with Mike. 

"Jesus Julie." Steve said, parking his car next to me, "You had me worried when your mom had Dustin call me last night when you didn't return home." 

"Sorry about that." I told him, crossing my arms, "It was a wild night." 

"I can see that. You're wearing the same clothes." Steve said and got out of his car. He leaned against his door with his arms crossed. 

"Going babysitter Steve on me now?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow. 

"I'm not a babysitter." He told me and I laughed as he waved his hands around, "Okay maybe I am. So what happened last night?" 

"Well a creep was hitting on me." I began, but stopped when Steve tossed his hands into the air, being dramatic like always. 

"See that's why I told you it wasn't a good idea." Steve lectured, "Did he hurt you?" 

"No, Eddie saved me. But relax Steve, we survived against Russians." I began, but he placed his hand over my mouth. 

"Not so loud." He said and looked around as students went to their cars. I licked his hand, which caused him to freak out a little. "Gross! Did you just lick my hand?!" He shouted loudly.

"What's going on here?" Eddie asked, walking over to us. He looked at Steve, who was wiping his hand on his shirt, and then at me, who was snickering. 

"Steve was just checking up on me after last night." I told him. 

"Thanks for watching out for her man." Steve said, and Eddie nodded his head as he stood next to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, drawing me to his side. 

"Well that's what friends do." Eddie told Steve a little hostile. I let out a sigh. 

"Right." Steve said slowly looking between Eddie and I. Steve was about to ask something, but Robin appeared.

"Hey guys." Robin said, walking over to us, "Ready Steve?"

"Yeah. See ya later Henderson." Steve said and got into his car. Robin smiled at me and glanced at Eddie before hopping into the passenger seat of Steve's car. Steve drove away and I shrugged Eddie's arm off. 

"You don't have to feel threatened by Steve." I told Eddie as I got into the passenger seat of his van after he unlocked it. 

"I don't feel threatened by Steve." Eddie said, glancing at me, "I don't trust him. He's a lady man. I've seen him all through out school, and even now he's picking up women all the time." 

I began to laugh. "Steve Harrington does not see me anything outside of a platonic relationship, if not familial." I told him, "Besides I am in love with you, and you only. Now let's get out of this hell hole. I want to play some games." 

"Yes, m'lady." Eddie said and started up his van. He drove away from school, and straight to the arcade. The place wasn't packed yet as school for the younger students was still in session for a couple of hours. Eddie got some change for the machines. 

"I will pay you back." I told him as he handed me some coins. 

"No you won't. I'm treating my girlfriend with a date at the arcade today." He told me and I smiled. He wrapped his arms around my hips and pulled me closer to him. He lowered his head down to give me a kiss. He smirked against my lips before pulling away. 

"Hey keep the PDA to a minimum. There's children dude." An employee told us. Eddie let go of me and I backed away, blushing. Eddie flipped the employee off when their back turned to us. I began to laugh as Eddie pulled me over to an arcade game. He put in the change and began to play Donkey Kong. 

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