Chapter 31

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The bell rang loudly as class came to an end. I stood up and walked to my locker. The first thing I noticed was Eddie scrubbing my locker door. I walked over to him as people passed by laughing at us. "Eddie." I began, but he shook his head. 

"Nope. I won't let this stay on any longer." Eddie told me, "It's my fault people are calling you this. If I hadn't just ran away..." 

"If you hadn't ran away, you would be in prison, and we wouldn't have saved the world." I told him in a whisper, "Don't blame yourself for this. These people are assholes." 

Eddie let out a sigh and scrubbed as much of the wording he could off. He placed the brush into a bucket and picked it up. I walked with Eddie to the janitor's closet, where he put away the bucket. He grabbed my hand and we walked to the cafeteria. 

I hated the looks everyone was giving Eddie. Some were scared, others were curious, and then there were people who were angry. "Freak killer!" Someone shouted, and Eddie kept his head straight. 

"Shut up." I shouted at the person. Eddie let go of my hand and quickly wrapped his arm around my shoulder to drag me away. 

"They just want to get a rise out of me so they have an excuse to attack." Eddie told me as we walked into the cafeteria. We sat down at the table and it was just the two of us. 

"So I got a ton of work that needs done by next Friday." Eddie said, looking at me. 

"Starting today, we should be able get through it." I told him, and he grinned, "I'm not doing the work for you, if that's why you're grinning. You have to do that part yourself." 

The grin on his face quickly turned into a pout. "Fine, but if I'm a good boy, and do all of my work, do I get a prize?" Eddie asked, giving me a wink. I blushed slightly, and he chuckled. 

"A gold star." I told him. 

"Works for me." He said, smiling, and leaned his chin into the palm of his hand with his elbow resting on the table, "So dinner at your place. Any reasons why?" 

"Well, I told my parents about us the other day during an argument." I told him and rubbed the back of my neck nervously, "And well my dad wants to meet you. I think my mom is cool with you right now since you've been proven innocent." 

"It'll be okay." Eddie said, seeing how nervous I was. He grabbed my hand with the one he wasn't leaning on, "Hendersons tend to love me." I rolled my eyes at the joke he cracked. 

"Only two do." I told him, and laughed a little. 

"For now. Your parents will love me. I'll be the perfect gentleman." He told me, "Should I wear a suit and tie? Or should I wear a shirt that says I heart the Hendersons in bold letters over my chest?" 

I laughed at the thought of him wearing the shirt. He would look handsome in a suit, though... I shook my head. "No, what you have on is perfect." I told him. He wasn't wearing his leather jacket, or vest like he normally did. His vest was... I don't exactly know where it ended up after I had been dropped off at the Hospital. Maybe it was tossed out, which I hoped it wasn't. Or maybe my mother had it with my other clothing I had worn the day we had saved the world from Vecna. 

But today Eddie was wearing a plain old black t-shirt with an unbutton red plaid shirt over it. He wore his torn black jeans with his chained wallet in his back pocket. It was clear the clothing belonged to his Uncle. It was probably the only clothing he could currently get due to their house being closed off. 

"You do look very handsome today." I told him. 

"I look even better with it off." Eddie flirted back. 

"Gross guys. We're at school." Dustin told me as he plopped down next to me. 

"Perfect timing as usual lil Henderson." Eddie said, looking at my brother, "Anyone been bothering you today?" 

"No. They all been mostly focused on other things." Dustin told him, and began to eat his lunch, "You two not eating?" 

"No. I wasn't able to pack lunch today." Eddie told him, "And I rather not be stuck in line with everyone who hate me." 

"I'll wait for the line get down a bit." I told him. I didn't want Eddie to be alone at the table. Once the others arrived, I would probably go get a tray of food, and share with Eddie so he could have something to eat. I wasn't sure if he even had breakfast that morning. 

Us Against the World ★ Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now