Chapter 42

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TW: Small mentions of abuse in this chapter. 

Hearing the sounds of someone giggling, caused me to slowly awake. I felt an arm around my waist tighten as I shifted in the bed. I looked down, and recognized Eddie's bat tattoos. We must have fallen asleep last night. Daylight shined into the room through a small crack in the curtain as I heard someone stumble into the bathroom. 

I sat up, and glanced at the bed next to us. The bed was empty, and made. So Rita never came back last night, and it was still too early for Eddie's Uncle to be off work. "Mm." Eddie moaned out, "Couldn't you have waited a few more minutes to get up? You are too comfy." He sat up, and rubbed his eyes. 

"Someone's here." I whispered to him, and nodded to the bathroom. 

Eddie looked over to the bathroom, and let out a sigh. "Probably Rita." He told me, "I can smell the booze from here. Now let's go back to sleep." Eddie wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me down with him. I let out a small laugh, and rolled over to face him. 

Being awake now, I couldn't fall back to sleep. Eddie lay there with his eyes closed. I studied his face as he looked so at peace in that moment. My eyes went to his nose. I leaned forward, and kissed the tip of his nose. His eyebrows furrowed as he kept his eyes closed. A small smile came to his lips. 

"Did you kiss my nose?" Eddie asked, and I laughed a little. 

"Maybe." I told him, "You looked too cute." 

"My lips are right here." Eddie said, and puckered his lips. He opened his eyes, and leaned forward to kiss me. I returned the kiss, and Eddie rolled on top of me. My hands went to his bare back as we kissed each other. He began to trail kisses down my neck to my collar bone. 

"Mm." I moaned lightly as Eddie began to nibble. I dug my nails in to his back, and Eddie bit a little harder in response. No doubt leaving a mark. "Ow." I muttered, and Eddie leaned back a little with a smirk that told me he did it on purpose.

"My bad." Eddie told me, and went to lick the bite mark. We heard the toilet flush that reminded us that we were not alone in the room. Eddie stopped, and let out a sigh. He rolled off of me, and sat up. 

I sat up, and moved my hair to cover my hair. The bathroom door opened, and Rita stumbled out of it. She giggled a bit, looking over at us, before flopping onto the empty bed. She was instantly out. Eddie let out another sigh, and got out of bed. I watched as he went over to his mother. He took off her shoes, and put them by the bed. Next he took her coat off, and set it on a chair. 

It was sweet how he was caring for her, even though she didn't deserve it, for how she treated Eddie. After putting her under the blanket, Eddie turned to me. "We should get breakfast." Eddie told me, and I looked at the time on the alarm clock. It was eight am. 

"Yeah, breakfast sounds good." I told him, and got out of bed. After using the bathroom, and Eddie getting dressed, we left the motel. Eddie turned the radio on as he drove away. I looked out the side window, and let out a yawn. 

"It was sweet of you to care for your mom like that." I said, making small talk. 

"Yeah. I used to do that as a kid when she came home late from the bars. She would be laying in bed, while my dad would be passed out in the living room. I didn't give a shit about him, but her... " He told me, but paused. He shook his head, "She was a good mom at times, I guess. Made sure I was fed, and protected me from my dad at times when he had his fits. So I would get her to bed." 

I frowned hearing him tell me a bit about his past. He always kept it locked away. Barely spoke on it. I didn't even know his dad was abusive to him. I placed my hand on his thigh in a caring way as tears pricked at the corner of my eyes. 

"You didn't deserve to go through that, Eddie." I told him, and he glanced at me. He gave me a small smile. 

"That's life I guess." He told, and he gripped the steering wheel, "I know one thing for sure. Our child will never go through what I did. I will be better than they ever were." He paused for a second. "I'm sorry for this heavy topic so early in the morning." 

"No, it's fine." I told him, "You can tell me anything. I love you, Eddie." It was a heavy topic, but I wanted him to feel comfortable, and that it was okay to talk to me about things that were bothering him. I loved Eddie for who he was, and he didn't have to hide things about his past or himself from me. 

"I love you too." Eddie replied, and his grip on the steering wheel loosened, "The only person I could ever tell these things, is my Uncle. It's hard for me to really talk about these things. I just buried them deep inside me, and try to forget. Which I know it's not healthy." 

"Just whenever you are ready to talk about these things. I am here for you." I told him, "You don't have to force yourself to tell me anything, you don't want too." 

"Thank you, Julie." Eddie told me, "Seriously, you're like an angel. If it wasn't for you, I'd be dead, and now look at us." 

"We're starting out our adult lives, and having a family together." I told him, and rubbed my lower belly. It was still flat, as I hadn't yet begun showing. I was still early in the pregnancy. 

"Which I am nervous, yet excited about." Eddie told me, "I just hope I can be a good dad." 

"You will. I mean look at you, and the guys in Hellfire. You took a bunch of them under your wings. You're practically a dad to Dustin." I told him. 

Eddie glanced at me, and laughed. "I don't know about that. Steve is pretty much Dustin's Dad." Eddie told me. 

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