Chapter 69

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"I will let her know. Thank you, Hopper." I heard my mother say on the phone as I sat down tiredly on the couch in the living room. I did not sleep well at all. My mind could not rest thinking about the unknown person. How many times have they been there? What did they want? Clearly it wasn't money, or anything of value. It didn't seem like any other houses were being broken into either. So why us? 

"Oh Julie, you're awake." Mom said seeing me on the couch. 

"Yeah." I mumbled rubbing my tired eyes. 

"That was Hopper on the phone. So far nothing has been found, but Hopper did say you could come back to the house to gather some things later." Mom told me, and I nodded my head, "Did you sleep okay, honey?" 

"No." I sighed. I knew she would not let me rest on the couch. I sat up, and looked at her. "I couldn't sleep much." 

"It will be okay, Julie. Hopper will find the guy." Mom said sitting down next to me on the couch. She pulled me into a quick hug. "Are you hungry? I can make breakfast. It's almost ten." 

"Uh yeah. I should probably go wake up Joanna, and get her ready." I told Mom, "Eddie, and I might go to the Fourth of July fair today." 

"That will be fun." She said smiling, "Maybe Dustin, Wayne, and I can join you three." 

"That would be good. A family outing." I told her with a smile coming to my face, "Maybe it could be a date for you, and Wayne." 

"Julie!" Mom gasped with a blush coming to her cheeks. I laughed a little, and stood up. I walked quietly to my room, and saw Eddie lying on his stomach. His face was buried in the pillow while the blanket lay around his waist. Light from the window shined onto his back highlighting him. I could see the demobat scars, and a bruise on his ribs. A frown came to my lips, and I looked over at Joanna in her crib. 

She was sleeping peacefully with her curly mop of hair hugging her forehead. I walked over to the crib, and gently pushed the hair away from her face. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. "Morning sleepy head." I said quietly so I wouldn't wake up Eddie. 

I picked up Joanna, and hugged her to me. "Let's leave Daddy asleep, okay?" I said softly as I packed her out of the room after grabbing her and outfit. I changed her in the living room as Mom cooked in the kitchen. 

Joanna crawled from the living room to the kitchen. I followed behind her, and watched as Mom grabbed a spatula. She turned to Joanna, and bent down. "Here you go, Joanna." Mom said handing her the spatula, "You can help me make breakfast today." 

Mom laughed lightly as she stood up, and looked at me. "You used to love "helping" me in the kitchen like this." She told me, and I laughed a little. I could barely remember moments like that. It was like a small flash. 

"I remember a little." I told her, and I heard the bathroom door close. I lean back from the kitchen entrance to see Dustin's door wide open at the end of the hall. "Dustin is awake." I announced to Mom. 

"Eddie still asleep?" Mom asked, and I watched Joanna swing around the spatula. 

"Yeah. He's a late sleeper." I told her, and she went back to making breakfast. I walked over to the coffee pot, and began to make some coffee. The aroma of freshly made coffee filled the room, and I felt relaxed. I poured myself a cup, and added some cream to it as Dustin walked into the kitchen. 

"Nice hair." I commented, and took a sip of my coffee. Dustin flipped me off before sitting at the table. His hair was all over the place from just waking up. I laughed a little, and Mom glanced at us. A smile on her face. 

"Be nice you two." She laughed. 

It was nice being in my Mom's house. I miss moments like these. Waking up to Mom's cooking, and teasing Dustin. It was the small things. I loved living on my own with Eddie, and Joanna. I wouldn't change a thing. Just sometimes I miss them. 

"So this year, you're going to be working at Hawkins High, right?" Dustin asked me, and I nodded my head. 

"Yeah. I probably won't start till a week afterwards, because I got things to do at College." I explained, and Dustin nodded his head. 

"Great." Dustin grinned, "You can help me at school then. Can I hide out in the library with you during my classes?" 

"Dustin, I don't think I can let you do that." I told him, "Besides it's your final year. Enjoy it while you can." 

"Ugh, Julie." Dustin whined loudly, and Joanna giggled at his behavior. 

"Sorry Dusty." I laughed, and he pouted. 

A few minutes later I heard one of the bedroom doors open. Eddie must be awake. 

"Breakfast is almost done. Why don't the both of you set the table?" Mom told us. Dustin, and I both knew she wasn't asking us to set the table. So the both of us got up, and began to set the table. 

Dustin dragged Joanna's high chair over to the table as Eddie walked tiredly into the kitchen. I pulled out a chair for him to sit in. "Morning sleepyhead." I told Eddie as he sat at the table with his hair covering his face. I kissed the top of his head, and went to pick up Joanna. 

"How is your side, Eddie?" Mom asked glancing at Eddie. 

"It's fine." Eddie mumbled tiredly. 

I picked up Joanna, and she swatted at me with the spatula. I dodged it, and laughed a little. "Someone has a mean streak." I said taking the spatula. I placed it on the counter, and took Joanna to her high chair. She laughed at me, and I pinched her cheek playfully. 

I looked back to the table, and saw Eddie watching us with a smile on his face. I smiled at him, and sat down at the table as Mom placed the food down. "I already got Joanna a plate cooling off." Mom told me as she sat down at the table. I nodded my head, and the four of us began to eat. 

"So Eddie, Julie said you all might be going to the fair today?" Mom asked him as we ate. 

"Yeah, unless something comes up." Eddie said, and took a sip of his orange juice, "Has Hopper called?" 

"He did. Found nothing, but gave the okay to get some things from your house." Mom told him, and he nodded his head. 

"We should probably get some things after we eat then." Eddie said looking at me, and I nodded my head as I chewed a bite of my food. I was going to suggest that after we had ate. 

When we were done eating, Eddie, and I left the house to go get some things. We reached the house, and I saw a patrol car sitting in front of the house. 

"I should probably get my van since we're here." Eddie told me as we got out of my car. 

The officer watching our house got out, and walked over to us. He asked us for ID, and after we showed him, he let us go inside the house. The bedroom was a wreck. Clothes thrown all over the place. Things were knocked over. 

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