Chapter 25

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AN: From here onward the story will become more AU as it goes on. Currently writing out an AU Season 5 plot line, so chapters may not be posted daily like usual, but don't worry! I will try my best! 

The sky was bright as I stood outside. There was a light breeze in the air, and the birds were chirping away in the trees. I looked up and smiled, seeing one take off flying. Everything was so peaceful. 

"Hey there, Julie. I missed you." Dustin said, coming up next to me. I smiled, looking down at him. 

"Hey Dusty." I said and looked at the scene before us. 

"Things are different, but don't worry. It will get better again." Dustin told me and I frowned. I looked down at him. What was he talking about? Everything was fine here... 

"Everything is fine?" I told him. 

"When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his eleventy-first birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement in Hobbiton." Dustin began ignoring me. Why was he telling me the first chapter to Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring? 

"What?" I asked him. 

"Bilbo was very rich and very peculiar, and had been the wonder of the Shire for sixty years, ever since his remarkable disappearance and unexpected return. The riches he had brought back from his travels had now become a local legend, and it was popularly believed, whatever the old folk might say..." Dustin continued. 

"Dusty?" I asked him, but nothing. I looked around at the area. Where even were we? How did I get here? I began to realize I couldn't remember how I got there. 

I thought back to what I last remembered. My head began to hurt. I placed my hands down to my sides, feeling a sharp pain. I raised my left hand up and saw blood. Then I remembered. We were in the upside-down. I protected Eddie from the Demobats. Was I dead? 

"Wake up!" I screamed at myself, closing my eyes tightly. I could hear the faint sound of beeping. I followed the sound leaving Dustin behind, who was still reading off the first chapter.

The closer I got to the sound, the darker everything around me got. I kept running until the beeping was too loud. "Wake up." I heard El say as I closed my eyes. 

I let out a gasp opening my eyes, and saw that I was in the hospital. I looked over to see Dustin reading from The Lord of the Rings. "D-Dusty." I said hoarsely. My throat felt so dry.

"Julie!" Dustin screamed and dropped the book. He rushed out of the room, calling for Mom and a nurse. Mom rushed into the room crying, with the nurses following after her. 

"Wh-Where Ed?" I asked Dustin. 

"Safe." He whispered to me and I felt tears come to my eyes. 

"Oh Julie!" Mom cried, rushing to my side. She held my hand tightly, and kissed it, "I was so scared." 

"We need to check her, ma'am." The nurse told my mom, who nodded her head. She backed off to where Dustin stood and watched as the nurse shined a light in my eyes. She checked my wounds and they were healing nicely. 

"Wa-Water?" I asked and the Nurse went to get some. My mom rushed back to my side and held onto my hand. 

"You've been in a coma for four days." Mom told me, and I looked at Dustin. The others? Were they okay? Did they defeat Vecna? "Dustin said you got attacked by an animal in the woods? What were you doing out there?" 

"I don't remember." I told her, and the nurse entered the room with the water. I sipped at it and felt better, "When can I leave?" I asked Mom. 

"Not till Thursday which is in three days." She told me, "You lost a lot of blood." 

I let out a sigh and tears came to my eyes. I wanted to see Eddie. I needed to see him. 

"Mom, why don't you go tell Dad, Julie is awake?" Dustin told Mom and I looked at him quickly. Dad was here? 

"But Julie.." She began, but Dustin cut her off. 

"She's with me." Dustin told her, and she nodded her head. Mom left, and Dustin sat beside me. 

"Dad's here?" I asked him and he nodded his head. 

"Yeah, but you need to know some things." Dustin told me and looked at the door, "We managed to stop Vecna for now. He didn't open the last gate. El is back and helped saved Max. Hopper is alive. I know it's crazy." 

"And Eddie?" I asked him. 

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